Ananda Yoga

Ananda yoga was developed by an American named Donald J. Walters, known as Swami Kriyananda. He founded the Ananda Ashram, located at the Ananda community in Nevada City, California.

Ananda yoga is linked to the yoga of Paramahansa Yogananda’s teachings. Swami Kriyananda devoted forty-five years of his life to disseminating Yogananda’s teachings. Ananda yoga uses asana to clear and energize the body in preparation for meditation while simultaneously focusing on the postures to heighten self-awareness. The use of affirmations is a distinct feature of ananda yoga. In class, the emphasis is placed on deeply relaxing and focusing on the asana. Ananda yoga is gentle in its approach.


For more information on power yoga, check out the following site:

www. poweryoga. com

The New York Road Runners Club offers information on classes, descriptions, and how to learn more about power yoga.

www. nyrrc. org/powyog. htm

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