Best Upper Body Home Exercises

Best Upper Body Home Exercises

1. A partner to do visual comparisons or to measure the range of motion of your joints. (You can also use a mirror to perform your own visual comparisons.)

2. For the measurement method, you need a goniometer, flexometer, or other instrument to measure range of motion.


Warm up your muscles with some low-intensity activity such as walking or easy jogging.

Best Upper Body Home Exercises Photo Gallery


On the following pages, the average range of motion is illustrated and listed quantitatively for some of the major joints. Visually assess the range of motion in your joints, and compare it to that shown in the illustrations. For each joint, note (with a check mark) whether your range of motion is above average, average, or below average and in need of improvement. Average values for range of motion are given in degrees for each joint in the assessment. You can also complete the assessment by measuring your range of motion with a goniometer, flexometer, or other instrument. If you are using this measurement method, identify your rating (above average, average, or below average) and record your range of motion in degrees next to the appropriate category. Although the measurement method is more time-consuming, it allows you to track the progress of your stretching program more precisely and to note changes within the broader ratings categories (below average, above average).

Record your ratings on the following pages and on the chart on the final page of this lab.

(Ratings were derived from several published sources.)

Assessment of range of motion using a goniometer

1. Shoulder Abduction and Adduction

For each position and arm, check one of the following; fill in degrees if using the measurement method.

Shoulder abduction raise arm up to the side. Shoulder abduction move arm down and in front of body.

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