Crab Yoga Pose

Crab Yoga Pose

One of my gripes in my professional life (although I endeavour to be as professional with my website too!!!) is that I generally prepare claims to recover time and money from Clients where a Contractor has been working on a construction project and that Contractor has lost money and seeks recovery.

However many of my contemporaries will just advise the Contractor to let them prepare a “standard” claim document and submit this and bang the table making demands.

I do not agree with this at all. I believe that you should talk first to the Client and tell them an outline of the Contractor’s story and that you will seek recovery. However, in order that matters are clear what would be the most acceptable method of submitting this claim? Just listen and you will get some feedback.

To quote you an example. I was working in Qatar for a Contractor that was building substations for the local Electricity Company and had lost money, partly through its own inefficiencies but partly through additional works and changes made by the Electricity Company. The Contractor had already submitted two claim documents that had both been rejected.

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