Easy Yoga Poses For Kids

Easy Yoga Poses For Kids


Benefits: This sequence should be repeated as many times as possible or until you are able to increase your heart rate and work up a bit of a sweat. Burning calories through cardiovascular exercise is one of the keys to getting a flat tummy no one can see how strong your stomach is if you have a bit too much around the middle! The goal should be to work your way up to doing 10 to 12 of these flows each day.

As you flow from one pose to the next, remember to keep the core engaged – pulling the navel up and in on folds and then using its strength to transition from one to the next. Use the breath to guide you, moving with each inhalation and exhalation. The goal should be to eventually move quickly through the poses. However, feel free to hold a pose longer if it feels good or if you need a little breather.

If jumping back and forward (as shown in the video) is too much for right now, simply step back and forth instead.

1. Tadasana with Anjali Mudra (Mountain Pose with Offering Seal)

Stand at the top of your mat with your hands in Anjali Mudra (palms pressing together at heart center). Feel your feet ground down, balancing the weight of your body through all four corners. It should feel like you are actually pressing the ground away from you. Lengthen both sides of the ankles and gently engage the muscles of the thighs by lifting the kneecaps. Roll the inner thighs back to help create more space in your lower back. Scoop the tailbone down and under to help the spine curve naturally, protecting the lower back from over arching. Feel the vertebrae of the spine naturally stack on top of each other as you lengthen your back by feeling as if someone is pulling you straight up by a string attached to the top of your head. Keep your chin parallel to the ground and the neck long on all four sides.
Easy Yoga Poses For Kids

Easy Yoga Poses For Kids Photo Gallery


Benefits: This sequence should be repeated as many times as possible or until you are able to increase your heart rate and work up a bit of a sweat. Burning calories through cardiovascular exercise is one of the keys to getting a flat tummy no one can see how strong your stomach is if you have a bit too much around the middle! The goal should be to work your way up to doing 10 to 12 of these flows each day.

As you flow from one pose to the next, remember to keep the core engaged – pulling the navel up and in on folds and then using its strength to transition from one to the next. Use the breath to guide you, moving with each inhalation and exhalation. The goal should be to eventually move quickly through the poses. However, feel free to hold a pose longer if it feels good or if you need a little breather.

If jumping back and forward (as shown in the video) is too much for right now, simply step back and forth instead.

1. Tadasana with Anjali Mudra (Mountain Pose with Offering Seal)

Stand at the top of your mat with your hands in Anjali Mudra (palms pressing together at heart center). Feel your feet ground down, balancing the weight of your body through all four corners. It should feel like you are actually pressing the ground away from you. Lengthen both sides of the ankles and gently engage the muscles of the thighs by lifting the kneecaps. Roll the inner thighs back to help create more space in your lower back. Scoop the tailbone down and under to help the spine curve naturally, protecting the lower back from over arching. Feel the vertebrae of the spine naturally stack on top of each other as you lengthen your back by feeling as if someone is pulling you straight up by a string attached to the top of your head. Keep your chin parallel to the ground and the neck long on all four sides.

Easy Yoga Poses For Kids


Benefits: This sequence should be repeated as many times as possible or until you are able to increase your heart rate and work up a bit of a sweat. Burning calories through cardiovascular exercise is one of the keys to getting a flat tummy no one can see how strong your stomach is if you have a bit too much around the middle! The goal should be to work your way up to doing 10 to 12 of these flows each day.

As you flow from one pose to the next, remember to keep the core engaged – pulling the navel up and in on folds and then using its strength to transition from one to the next. Use the breath to guide you, moving with each inhalation and exhalation. The goal should be to eventually move quickly through the poses. However, feel free to hold a pose longer if it feels good or if you need a little breather.

If jumping back and forward (as shown in the video) is too much for right now, simply step back and forth instead.

1. Tadasana with Anjali Mudra (Mountain Pose with Offering Seal)

Stand at the top of your mat with your hands in Anjali Mudra (palms pressing together at heart center). Feel your feet ground down, balancing the weight of your body through all four corners. It should feel like you are actually pressing the ground away from you. Lengthen both sides of the ankles and gently engage the muscles of the thighs by lifting the kneecaps. Roll the inner thighs back to help create more space in your lower back. Scoop the tailbone down and under to help the spine curve naturally, protecting the lower back from over arching. Feel the vertebrae of the spine naturally stack on top of each other as you lengthen your back by feeling as if someone is pulling you straight up by a string attached to the top of your head. Keep your chin parallel to the ground and the neck long on all four sides.

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