• For cardiorespiratory endurance activities, exercise at the maximum intensity that causes no significant discomfort. If possible, choose low-impact, weight-bearing exercises to help safely maintain bone density. (See Chapter 8 for strategies for building and maintaining bone density.)


• To prevent fractures, avoid any activity or movement that stresses the back or carries a risk of falling.

• Include weight training in your exercise program to improve strength and balance and to reduce the risk of falls and fractures. Always use proper exercise technique and avoid lifting heavy loads.

• Include muscle-strengthening exercises three days per week.

• Include bone-strengthening exercises, such as jumping, at least three days per week.

It’s the era of catchy pop songs. Even if you choose not to listen to the likes of Lady Gaga or Justin Bieber, their music may accost you as you shop, go to the bank, or just live. All of a sudden, you’re driving along wondering how “Call Me Maybe” is in your head. And it won’t. Get. Out.

Meditation is a way to steady the mind, and what better time to steady yourself than when you are annoyed by your own voice? Even if you’re driving, walking, or are unable to sit still and close your eyes, you can do this meditation to get your mind back on track to the more important things in life.

As the chorus of the song repeats in your head, start to repeat a new mantra. Sat (prounced sut). Nam (pronounced nom). As you inhale, try to subtly hear the sound itself resonating in your breath.

Hear the sound fully: Sat. Then draw out through your exhalations, Naaaaaahm. Sat Nam means “truth is my identity” and it affirms your identity and your highest self. And your highest self probably does not know the Mainstream Top 40.

Look at Sat Nam as retuning your voice. Say it enough times to feel your voice more clearly than any song, then keep the music off for a little while to listen to the world around you.

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