History Of Yoga Poses

History Of Yoga Poses

• Most athletes will have knee pain periodically. As the knees adapt to increasing stress, a normal amount of irritation will occur. If it is mild, and goes away after warm-up or during training, and continues to improve, it is generally safe to work out. When pain is in both knees, it is usually an adaptation issue. Every-other-day yoga with liberal walk breaks can reduce/eliminate the problem in many cases. Knee Yoga Injuries are the most common reason why athletes to have to permanently change their activity or retire from an activity. Rest and treatment should be started immediately if the pain persists.

• Knee pain is often mild to moderate, so it is easy to ignore it for long periods of time. But permanent damage can occur gradually without strong pain ever being present. Be conservative!

The Area Directly Behind the Knee and Toward the Inside POPLITEAL AND PES ANSERINUS PAIN

• Popliteal pain is felt directly in the back of the knee – toward the inside or middle of the back of the knee. The outer border is the biceps femoris tendon (toward the outside at the back of the knee) and is discussed in another section.

• The location of pes anserinus pain is more vague. It generally is located along the inner side of the back of the knee. This tendon runs along the inner knee below the joint line and can fan onto the upper leg bone just to the inside of the bony prominence at the top of the front of the leg bone, below the knee.

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• Popliteal pain is usually achy and felt deep in the area of the crease at the back of the knee. It often hurts after a workout, but may be present during. There is often pain when the leg is extended and when pushing off. It may not hurt at rest.

• Medial hamstring tendinitis is noted by pain in the inside area of the back of the knee, along the tendon (can be felt when the knee is flexed). This pain can occur after a hard or fast workout or when walking fast on hilly terrain. It normally remains mild to moderate and hurts more when the leg is fully extended during gait. The tendon will often hurt when pressed.

• Pes anserinus pain is usually achy and noted on the inner side of the knee. It usually hurts at rest. After a few minutes of yoga/walking the pain is often reduced. If the pain travels around to the front of the upper leg bone (tibia) it can be much more intense and cause limping in advanced cases, which can result in a compensation injury.

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