How to Create a Balanced Life Jenna Raynell Yoga

Hi it’s jenna right now creating you from the inside of beautiful Central Park in New York City. So I studied early childhood education in college and as I studied child development it was really ingrained in me that children are holistic beings and I also think that’s very true dolt I don’t lose that part of ourselves as we get older and I was thinking about this.

Because I’m diving into spring training for my half marathon in april and I was so excited about training and first week of training was along and I ended up bronchitis. And I’m stuck in bed for a whole week and I just felt so out of whack felt like everything was falling apart when really it was just one area of my life that was just my health so anyway that got me thinking about how there’s a holistic and one area of her life is off we aren’t operating in orbit is potential an orange living a life that we want to live life or dreams. And it could be anything it could be our career it can be a relationship our emotions are creatively for nine to five pounds within those and each one anywhere we want it to be then we’re not gonna feel like we’re living our best life one thing is out of whack.

How to Create a Balanced Life Jenna Raynell Yoga Photo Gallery

Then we aren’t operating at her highest potential and I think it’s really important to recognize this for two reasons the first is just kind of assess where you’re at now how balanced is your life how empowerment is your life are you giving each area of your life the attention that it deserves the attention that it needs and do you love in rigor of your life or is there something that you absolutely hate you dread doing every day or you dread thinking about every day to I think it’s really important looking ahead to your future what’s the future that you’re creating are you focusing mostly on your career and neglecting your personal life or are you focusing solely on your personal life and neglecting your physical health when you’re setting your goals for your future it’s important to look at every area of your life and not just focus on the one and remembering that will help you to live right now and in your future the fun will help me inspired life is so long to live. And you so deserve to live so where you are with this right now maybe a comment below. And just let me know, if there’s very real and they feel like you’re neglecting or looking at your goals is there one area that you totally forgot about or some that you want to focus so take action today. And then we’ll live your dreams you.

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