How to Do Arm Balances Eka Pada Koundiyan Asana

Welcome to the rowan yoga let’s look at an arm balance eka pada koundiny Asana call arm balance says we seek to bring our hips or center of gravity over the arms over our base.

How to Do Arm Balances Eka Pada Koundiyan Asana Photo Gallery

And then the head and legs can extend and like a seesaw create balance let’s see how it’s done I’m gonna place my hands down and I’ll start with the right side I’m going to bring my right leg to the outside of the right arm bending the right elbow placing the right knee onto the arm I’ve got one place to rest in order to rest on the other arm I’ll have to turn the elbow inward turn the elbow in and I’ll bring the weight I’ll bring my hips over to the left I’ll drop my ribs to rest on the arm the placement of my left arm is. So that it’s on the ribs. And it goes elbow pretty much towards the hip bone bringing it towards the hip bones helps me have the hips very close to where my support is so again I have my right leg on top left elbow in lowering my ribs on to the left elbow.

If I kick up I’ll just pick up and keep coming down instead opening the chest. And head forward shifting the weight forward the leg will start to lift up on its own once it lifts up extend the chest more eventually straighten the legs staying here for a few breaths to come up either come down either lower or take it into chaturanga to exit we look at it one more time on the left side little quicker I’m going to place the left knee onto the arm bring the right elbow in lower the body open the chest. And head forward shift the weight balance extend legs a different exit shifting the hips high up legs up slowly chaduranga arm balances are fun. But it’s important to learn them with a qualified teacher. So that you can do them in a safe way thank you.

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