How To Do Baddha Kon Asana Bound Angle Pose

Welcome to the road yoga baddha kon Asana bound angle pose there’s a wonderful pose. And it’s a great great hip opener the sensation should be somewhere right here in the groin it’s supposed that really works nicely the hips. But when the hips are tight sometimes people may feel it in the knees, if you feel it in the knees back off I’ll talk about modifications so to begin with we want to sit feet together bring them pretty close to the hips, if it’s too much you can keep them a little further apart.

How To Do Baddha Kon Asana Bound Angle Pose Photo Gallery

And I’m gonna work on opening the feet as, if I’m trying to flour them or maybe read a book you’re gonna lift my belly band up to extend the spine, if this is not happening. And you’re in slump or kon Asana please elevate yourself sit on a block sit on a blanket you’ll find it’s a lot easier to create length in the spine, if the knees are way up you can either support them with blocks underneath or again just elevate your hips probably a good idea from here I’m gonna lengthen lift really expand the front of the body and, if there’s still room exhale reaching further down eventually.

I’m bringing pretty much my belly button onto the heels chest onto the feet. And then chin down relaxing the shoulders you can stay here the traditional way or sometimes I like to just take the arms forward relax the shoulders for those of you that are up here and finding it hard to move down another option is to place the hands behind the back create length and push a little forward better to stay here until this gets easy. And then eventually move the hands forward moving down a little further maybe forms. And then wherever enjoy the suppose remember to take care of your back elevate, if you need to and stay there for a while try to hold it for at least. But good nice ng breaths eventually build it up even to longer than that thank you.

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