How To Lose Weight Fast: Give Yourself A Break

The festive season is all about kindness – whether it’s inviting neighbours round for home-made mince pies, smiling at strangers in the street or giving to charity. Somehow, though, that kindness doesn’t always extend to ourselves, especially if we’re regretting choices we made the day before. ‘Beating yourself up doesn’t help, it only makes things worse,’ says Kerrie Bailey.

How To Lose Weight Fast: Give Yourself A Break Photo Gallery

‘If I have a slip-up, I just think, “OK, that happened, let’s learn from it and move on”.’ Patricia Fox-Hutchison agrees, saying that letting go of guilt around food has helped her stay on track, even on Christmas Day. ‘When I tried to lose weight before, all I could think about was what I couldn’t have. With Food Optimising, I know that nothing is off limits and that means I can step back and think, do I really want to eat this? I never deprive myself at Christmas and I make sure there are plenty of delicious Slimming World dishes on the table to fill up on.’

Try-it tip: No matter how busy you are, make a commitment to stay to group. It’s easy to skip IMAGE Therapy when you’re in a rush, but making time for yourself is as important as ever at Christmas, says Alexandra. ‘Everyone has the same pressures at this time of year and reminding yourself that you’re not alone can help you feel in control.

You can also get lots of practical advice from other members.’ As well as the weekly support you get from your Consultant and other slimmers, you can top yourself up daily by joining your group’s Facebook page. And if taking time out for you feels selfish, remind yourself that it’s actually anything but: when you feel your best, you have more physical and emotional stamina to take care of others – as well as to celebrate the in-control, happy and slimmer new you!

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