Importance Of Exercise During Pregnancy

Importance Of Exercise During Pregnancy


By the end of the second week, depending on your body type, you should have lost or gained 2% of your Ideal Body Weight.

If, however, in the second week alone, you lost more than 1% of your Ideal Body Weight, there is probably still some residual inflammation and bloating that are being worked off. On the other hand, if you are following the program precisely, you should not have lost less than 1% of your Ideal Body Weight during the second week.

If, in the second week alone, you gained more than 1% of your Ideal Body Weight, your muscles are still probably starved for nutrients and are absorbing water. On the other hand, if you are following the program precisely, you should not have gained less than 1% of your Ideal Body Weight during the second week.

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If, after performing Sequences 1 and 2 of the exercises for a week, your body or any part of it is sore or stiff, repeat the Sequences for the following week, but go down one level of difficulty in whatever exercises seem to be causing the problem. If you go all the way down to Level 1 and the problem persists, reduce the weight of your dumbbells by one pound until the problem ceases.

If your body or any part of it is not sore or stiff, and if the dumbbells you are lifting feel light, learn Sequence 3 of the exercises and perform them every day after you complete Sequences 1 and 2. In this case, however, instead of repeating the sequences four times, repeat each one three times.

For Exercises 3.1 through 3.6, follow the percentages given in Table 8.3.

For example, if you determined that you were comfortable lifting 2 pounds for Exercise 1.1, then, following Table 8.3, you will lift 3 pounds for Exercise 3.1, 1 pound for Exercise 3.4, 2 pounds for Exercise 3.5, and 3 pounds for Exercise 3.6.

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