Another firm and that his job was to disappear in the New Year. Naturally he experienced a nasty shock, but still felt that his assets outnumbered his liabilities and that he could cope with the situation. Within a few months he had found a job (less well paid), and was busy getting his life together again.

Robin’s problems started as a result of a car accident and an inability, subsequently, to drive. His self-employed job evaporated overnight, but his wife was working and they had no family commitments. Theoretically he should have coped with this unkind knock from the hand of fate, but somehow he did not. He described his marriage as a happy one, but clearly he and his wife were much more interested in their own careers and activities than in marriage as a lifestyle. His sudden loss of status and security had a profound effect on him: he lost his powers of concentration, his drive, his sense of humour and his peace of mind. His inability to cope with his problems, rather than anything else, lowered him into the depths of depression.

But before shoulders are shrugged too despondently or hopelessly, it has been shown that coping skills can be raised by training and by a particular and interesting form of discipline. Part of that training and discipline is what this book is about.

Discipline is a word that has been considerably ill used. Its basic meaning is ‘instruction imparted to scholars’ – disciples, if you like. And this training and discipline teaches how to master the ill effects of stress and can be effective for everyone, the socially and emotionally deprived included. Learning the discipline of relaxation is the name of the game, and anyone can play. Choose the relaxation scheme most suited to your age and characteristics and start the 10-day course today.


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