Pilate Ball Exercises

Pilate Ball Exercises


As an example, let’s say if you are a female whose three measurements are 2 5/i6M, 2 1/i6M, and 11/i6M, your total is 5 1/i6”. If you fall between the given numbers in Table 5, use the percentage closest to your number. If your total is 5 716″, you are closest to 5″. That would mean your body is 40% fat.

The Happy Body program with Jerzy and Aniela to see how having a ripped physique might affect my acting career. In only eight weeks, I went from 16% body fat down to 8%! In the next four weeks, I lost another 4%. Not only was I lean, but many more acting offers began to come in.

A year after I started the program, I got a role that required me to do a shower scene and be even more “ripped” than I already was. So Jerzy and Aniela made a few modifications in my program, which got me down to 3% fat in only six weeks. Then, for the last week before I had to do the scene, they gave me special instructions, just like the ones they follow during the last week before they compete in Olympic weightlifting championships. That got me down to 2% body fat in eight days. I was amazed at how good I looked!

Pilate Ball Exercises Photo Gallery

Now I work steadily, my income has more than doubled, and the simple and effective Happy Body exercises and diet are a regular part of my lifestyle, even when I’m on the road.

Now that you know your body type, we will show you how to calculate the time it will take to achieve your Ideal Body Weight and Ideal Body Weight Proportions. We will also show you how to proceed with losing or gaining fat or muscle, and how to maintain your Ideal Body Weight Proportions once you achieve them.

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