Power Yoga Sequence for Abs

Namaskar and David and welcome to an endeavor Power Yoga for abs Power Yoga is a complete body workout which improves your flexibility your strength your stamina and total fitness of your body Power Yoga for abs not only works on your abs it also works towards improving your strength these set of practices will help you to train your tendinous inscription and external obliques Power Yoga abs technique 25 you start this technique with Surya Namaskar position 1 then take the namaskara pan back enjoy the backward bend then go to the hip hinge position then stretch forward tabletop drop the hands down by the side of your feet then bend the legs rest the products on the ground and lie down on your back interlock the fingers keep the palms under your head then both the legs comfortable distance in your feet in your knees now you take the upper body up like you do in the crunches so take it up. And then move towards one side. And the other side come back to the center.

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And relax once again up once I at the side come back to the center and rest one more time when doing it on the side it helps you to feel your external obliques that is a side of your abdominal. And also wonderful practice to turn the atlases and relax. But practice you can do two three rounds continuous also in this manner up one side either side Center one side other side Center and relax likes the hands slowly you can take some time. And then sit up correctly set up this forward bend will help you to relax the abdomen then you come to the tabletop then up to the hip hinge been stirred in your body how the backward bend. And you have the backward bend your abs are also getting stretched and relax. And come back. And just feel the effect of this practice on your tongue you.

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