Relaxing Through Meditation

Relaxing Through Meditation

Techniques for managing stress by inducing the relaxation response have been developed in many cultures over the centuries. One such technique is yoga, described in Chapter 5. Another technique that has become popular in the United States is meditation.

At its most basic level, meditation, or self-reflective thought, involves quieting or emptying the mind to achieve deep relaxation. Some practitioners of meditation view it on a deeper level as a means of focusing concentration, increasing self-awareness, and bringing enlightenment to their lives. Meditation has been integrated into the practices of several religions Buddhism, Hinduism, Confucianism, Taoism but it is not a religion itself, nor does its practice require any special knowledge, belief, or background.

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There are many styles of meditation, based on different ways of quieting the mind. Here is a simple, practical

technique for eliciting the relaxation response using one style:

1. Pick a word, a phrase, or an object to focus on. You can choose a word or phrase that has a deep meaning for you, but any word or phrase will work. Some meditators prefer to focus on their breathing.

2. Sit comfortably in a quiet place. Close your eyes if you’re not focusing on an object.

3. Relax your muscles.

4. Breathe slowly and naturally. If you’re using a focus word or phrase, silently repeat it each time you exhale. If you’re using an object, focus on it as you breathe.

5. Keep your attitude passive. Disregard thoughts that drift in.

6. Continue for 10-20 minutes once or twice a day.

7. After you’ve finished, sit quietly for a few minutes with your eyes closed, then open. Then stand up.

Allow relaxation to occur at its own pace; don’t force it. Don’t be surprised if you can’t tune your mind out for more than a few seconds at a time. It’s nothing to get angry about. The more you ignore the intrusions, the easier it will become. If you want to time your session, peek at a watch or clock occasionally, but don’t set a jarring alarm.

Although you’ll feel refreshed even after the first session, it may take a month or more to get noticeable results. Be patient. Eventually, the relaxation response becomes so natural that it occurs spontaneously or on demand when you sit quietly for a few moments.

Progressive Relaxation In this simple relaxation technique, you tense and then relax the muscles of the body one group at a time. Also known as deep muscle relaxation, this technique addresses the muscle tension that occurs when the body is experiencing stress. Consciously relaxing tensed muscles sends a message to other body systems to reduce the stress response.

To practice progressive relaxation, begin by inhaling as you contract your right fist. Then exhale as you release your fist. Repeat. Contract and relax your right bicep. Repeat. Do the same using your left arm. Then, working from forehead to feet, contract and relax other muscles. Repeat each contraction at least once, inhaling as you tense and exhaling as you relax. To speed up the process, tense and relax more muscles at one time for example, both arms simultaneously.

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