The Benefits of Asana

With asana, stretching and alignment of the body are a given. But both the body and the mind obtain a constellation of benefits, such as energy and serenity; balance and control; and focus and strength, to mention just a few. Your entire body from your adrenal and endocrine glands to your heart to your muscles, ligaments, and joints will benefit from practicing asana.

Some of the physical benefits of doing asana are the following:

Create spinal suppleness

Tone muscles

Tone glands

Tone internal organs

Tone joints

Strengthen the musculoskeletal system

Enhance flexibility

Enhance balance

Help with agility and coordination

The very first principle of yoga is to get in touch with your body. How does it feel? Is it tense or relaxed? Do you have muscle cramps, stiff joints, or malaise? Do you have a general sense of discomfort or do you feel pretty good these days? Does your back hurt or do you suffer from headaches? Take some time with your personal body scan and make mental notes of what is going on in your body.

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