The Top Yoga Poses for Weight Loss

Air Becomes Breath

A soothing sequence for asthma • 45 to 75 minutes

Basic Relaxation Pose

Simple Supported Side Bend

Extended Supported Bridge

Reclining Hero Pose

Head to Bolster Pose


  • 2 bolsters (or make 2 from 4 rolled blankets or 2 large pillows)
  • Blanket roll
  • Block (or large hardcover book)
  • Square eighth-fold blanket


  • Basic Relaxation Pose
  • Simple Supported Side Bend
  • Extended Supported Bridge
  • Reclining Hero Pose
  • Head to Bolster Pose


  • If Reclining Hero Pose is not suitable for your knees or lower back, substituteHeart Pose.


  • Reduces stress and anxiety.
  • Creates space in your chest and lungs to facilitate healthy breathing.


  1. . Begin with 20 to 30 minutes in Basic Relaxation Pose , then bend your knees and roll to your side.
  1. . Press yourself up to a sitting position, then move your legs off the bolster to the left so you are sitting on your right hip with your right thigh running along the edge of the bolster and your feet tucked in behind you. Guide yourself into Simple Supported Side Bend for 3 to 5 minutes. Leave your bolster as it is and turn yourself around to repeat the pose on the other side.
  1. . Press yourself up to a sitting position, then place the two bolsters end to end with the block at one end for your head. Guide yourself into Extended Supported Bridge for 8 to 10 minutes.
  1. . Carefully roll off the bolsters and press yourself up to a sitting position.

Move one of the bolsters aside and come to kneeling with the bolster behind you for 3 to 5 minutes in Reclining Hero Pose .

  1. . Press yourself up to a sitting position, turn to face the bolster with your legs outstretched, and complete your practice with 5 to 8 minutes in Head to Bolster Pose .

The Top Yoga Poses for Weight Loss Photo Gallery


After you’ve completely relaxed in Basic Relaxation Pose, begin Spinal Breathas described in Chapter 8.

Unwind and Recharge

A sequence for stress and fatigue • 45 to 75 minutes

Basic Relaxation Pose

Mountain Brook

Heart Pose with Butterfly Legs

Seated Butterfly

Legs Up the Bolster


  • Bolster (or 2 rolled blankets or a large pillow)
  • Blanket roll
  • Square eighth-fold blanket (or neck pillow)
  • 2 blocks (or large hardcover books)
  • Sandbag (or heavy folded blanket)


  • Basic Relaxation Pose
  • Mountain Brook
  • Heart Pose with Butterfly Legs
  • Seated Butterfly
  • Legs Up the Bolster


  • If you experience lower back pain or discomfort in Heart Pose with Butterfly Legs, substitutePregnant Goddess Pose.


  • Relaxes and supports your entire body.
  • Gently opens your hips and heart.
  • Brings awareness to your breath.
  • Promotes vitality.


  1. . Begin with 20 to 30 minutes in Basic Relaxation Pose , then bend your knees and roll to your side.
  1. . Press yourself up to a sitting position. Take the blanket roll out from underneath your ankles and place it behind your upper back for 5 to 10 minutes in Mountain Brook .
  1. . Bend your knees and roll to your side. Press yourself up to a sitting position, then turn the bolster so it’s lengthwise. Turn yourself around so the narrow end of the bolster is touching the base of your spine. Use the blanket roll from Mountain Brook to secure your legs in a butterfly position, then lie back for 5 to 10 minutes in Heart Pose with Butterfly Legs .
  1. . Draw your knees together, roll to your side, and press yourself up to a sitting position. Turn around to face the bolster, prop it up on your blocks, and guide yourself into Seated Butterfly for 5 to 8 minutes.
  1. . Bring your legs up the bolster and lie back for 5 to 10 minutes in Legs

Up the Bolster to complete your practice.


Deep breathing exercises and visualization have proven to be highly effective in managing stress and fatigue. In Basic Relaxation Pose, employ the Body Scan Meditation and Spinal Breath described in Chapter 8.

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