Yoga eugene

Stage II: Wall Dog Place your hands on the wall Yoga eugene above eye level, with your index fingers pointing up and your arms shoulder-width apart Yoga eugene . Place your feet hip-width apart and parallel. Straighten your arms and move your chest a little toward the wall. Move your upper arms more securely back into the shoulder joints. Keep your elbows straight and your upper arms light but active. Bend forward through your trunk until there is one long diagonal line from hands to hips. You can step back as needed. Elevate your sitting bones and separate them, which will make an arch in your lower back.

In other word karma changes signification under the orientation of monotheism: the yogi’s disinterested action, implementing the will of god, is re-defined as a life long ritual of love and devotion to god. By adding this love and devotion to ritual practice (i.e. action – karma) life turns into ritual action, which is bhakti-yoga – Krishna’s yoga.

Krishna’s yoga – the intertwined trio of buddhi, karma and bhakti – is an ideology reinforcing the political and social position of the political rulers (the notional Kshatriyas) and Brahmins. It is clear that Krishna’s yoga has many traits in common with Buddhism. However, as we saw in the Upanishads and in the Buddhi-yoga of the MD, there is in Krishna’s yoga a striking absence of the ethical life underpinning Buddhist liberation: the necessity of building up metta (kindness), karuna (compassion), mudita (sympathetic joy), and upekkha (equanimity). The disinterested buddhi – an unbothered and composed mind-set of pure thinking – should not be confused with an ethical stance. The Buddhist ethic and universalism was no doubt a thorn in the flesh of the ruling castes as it was glaringly incompatible with their embodied violence and their discriminatory caste ideology.

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