Yoga for Beginners Detox Jenna Raynell Yoga

Welcome Jen right now here today I’m so excited to be doing a little bit of detox work with you we’re going to take you through about a 10 minute series of twists. So, if you want to look back in some way other posts and find a warm up first that might be a great interview before we jump into a lot of twists twists are amazing they’re very detoxing for the body it’s like giving all of your internal organs of massage. So you’re just ringing out your insides that you’re writing out a sponge. So this is good after time of New Year’s Eve our birthday celebrations things like that um great let us for this you’re going to need at least one block you want to nearby go for it all right let’s start in downward-facing dog so please make your way there you can come to an all-fours position first tuck your toes under lift your hips back to down dog. And just start to get acclimated in your down dog fill your sits bones reaching to the sky feel your shoulders would look away from your ears hmm I’m just going to pull out my legs here for a moment so feel free to do the same awesome.

Yoga for Beginners Detox Jenna Raynell Yoga Photo Gallery

And then gently go ahead and step your feet together at the back of your mat send your right leg back behind you stretch along through the back of your knee. And then open it up bend your top leg open up the right side of your body hmm I kinda sigh a lot during yoga so go ahead I think it feels really good and gently straight your top leg turn your tools down to the earth square off your hips inhale bring your knee to your nose. And then just gently relax your right foot forward in between your hands. So, if you have sensitive knees go ahead and grab a blanket sudden underneath your left knee drop your knee down untuck your toes. So, if your arm up to the sky hug your low belly and relax your shoulders on your back breathe inhale exhale your hands to prayer at the center of your chest hook your left elbow onto your right knee spiral open your chest bringing you one more deep breath exhale come back to Center reach your arms up to the sky inhale exhale your left hand to the next spiral open your chest to the right feel your fingertips reaching for the sky sometimes it feels good to really kind of wax back into it spread back like that go ahead open it up breathe one more deep breath John you’re released finger front foot with both hands tuck your back toes under lift that back knee send your right leg back to a plank position.

And then drop both of your knees down your chest. And your chin pull through to a little baby cool right relax your shoulders down your back inhale exhale pull back to downward facing dog breathe you got your luck step your feet together at the back of your mat inhale your left leg back behind you stretch it while lengthen through the back of your knee I’m gonna go ahead and bend your left knee open up the hips one more deep breath in exhale straighten your top leg turn your toes down to the earth square off your hips inhale bring your knee to nose your shoulders over the wrists and step your left foot forward in between your hands so get organized your left shoulders down your back shift your blanket around, if you need to. And then drop your back knee down untuck those toes the arms up hug your low belly in inhale exhale your hands to prayer hook your right elbow onto your left knee press into your palms spiral open your chest breathe deeply one more deep breath exhale come back to Center reach the arms up inhale exhale your right hand to the maps spiral open your chest to the left reach arm to the sky or even lean back a little bit lean into it enjoy your breath one more deep breath exhale release bring your front foot with both hands tuck your right toes under lift your back knee send your left leg back to meet your right lower down these Chuck stem chin pull through to a cobra and fold back downward facing dog awesome awesome awesome for deep breaths feel all 10 fingers spreading wide the pack of your hands pressing down feel your inner thighs spiraling back in and back your thigh bones pressing to the back wall one more deep breath exhale bend your knees lift your heels slowly walk your hands back to me your feet and fold forward over your legs have tight hamstrings you can slightly bend your knees relax your head down grab opposite elbows hangover like a rag doll you can sway from side to side.

And then gently release your hands down to your mat slowly roll up to stand. And then back shoulders down your back nice and tall with your feet hip width distance apart Tad Asana Mountain Pose can they open your eyes take a little walk to the front of your mat wherever your block is go ahead and grab your block place it at the front of your mat. So that you have in your body go ahead and sweep your arms up to the sky exhale dive forward inhale to a flat back grab your block in your left hand cross it across your body. So It’s right in front of your right toes press down into the block with your hand bring your right hand to your little back press down to your black spiral open your chest to the right breathe, if it is ok with your neck you can slightly gaze up to the sky or you can just keep looking down no big deal one more deep breath exhale release it down grab opposite elbow shake out your head when they trip in your tips down inhale to a flat back grab a block in your right hand across it across press into your palm bring your left hand to your little box by a little bit your chest to left press down into that block awesome I’m a deep breath exhale release it down he got your head release your hands to your feet and halsted back with pataskala chair pose reach the arms up sit down nice.

And low relax your shoulders down your back inhale exhale your hands to prayer hook your left elbow onto your right knee press into your palms by open your chest every inhale imagine that your spines ruin a little bit longer. And we exhale try to twist a little bit deeper one more deep breath exhale come back to Center inhale exhale twist to the left hook your right out onto your left knee press into your palms spiral open your chest inhale brolo exhale just a little bit more faith hill romo exhale twist inhale exhale one more exhale come back to Center fold forward over your legs she got her head inhale to a flat back exhale plant your palms step your left foot back and right to a plank lower down knees chest and chin pull through to a Cobra I pull back to Child’s Pose rest then go ahead and sit up swing your legs are out to the front of your mat let you’re sitting on your bottom for your left knee to the middle of your mat then cross your right foot across your left awesome bring your right hand behind your right hip reach your left arm to the sky hook your left elbow onto your right knee spiral open your chest inhale grow long exhale twist a little more inhale one more gently release yeah so gentle counter twist. And then switch your legs bring your right knee to the middle of your mat cross your left foot over top feel both sit bones really rooting down into the ground so one little butt cheek isn’t popping up off the ground sit down nice and low bring your left hand behind you reach your right up to the sky hook your right elbow walk to your left knee spiral open your chest and you’ll work to get nice and tall exhale twist a little bit more inhale exhale twist inhale exhale one more I’m telling you release schedule to counter twist to the right stretch both legs on that in front of you remove some of the flash from your sits bones.

So you can feel your two bones sitting down and rooting down into the ground sit up nice and tall exhale release fold forward over your legs inhale real nice and long through your spine XL fold forward, if you have a strap you can hook it around your feet and pull onto that or I know you can always just touch your calves ocean where you can my treat your feet three deep breaths one more deep breath exhale slowly walk your hands back gently roll down onto back oh so much a whip out your legs tied to side stretch your right leg long hug your left knee in inhale exhale across your left knee across your body open up your left from one gaze to the left one more deep breath exhale come back to Center like your left knee in then release it hug your right knee in inhale exhale crosser right knee across your body open up your right arm wide to the side turn your gaze to the right fill your right shoulder blade working towards the mat feel everything melting down sip up your breaths tip your breath through this little spiral. And your spine look you’re sipping it in through a straw one more deep breath exhale release side Canyon a bulk knees in. And then gently rock your way up two sets wait your spine nice and tall bring your hands to provide the center of your chest inhale exhale inhale exhale by your head to your heart take yourself for taking a little bit of time today to detox and refresh your body may the story attention carry through your day the light in me honors the light inside of you namaste.

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