Yoga For Beginners Yoga For Hips Thighs

Hi I’m Sophie and today we’re going to learn a pose called lizard pose lizard pose is a wonderful weird opening pose it really works on the outside of our journey at Livni is phantom. And also under hip Flexer straight leg so to get into lizard pose when we do the same thing as we did in warrior two you can take a nice big step forward to the right foot a nice big step back with the left foot then we take both hands down inside of our right foot we spit onto the ball of the back foot now you want to make sure here that your knee is again over the ankle you don’t see you know people doing this kind of thing these are new lights. But dangerous for knee, if that’s the case you took your foot forward little bit since the knee then contract over the ankle again we’re gonna move our right foot out to the right of the lips coming towards the edge of your mat. And then you know we will the left and back a little bit until you find a comfortable position now this may be enough for you you may be feeling a strong stretch here in the inside. And the lesser stretch here on the left hip flexor.

Yoga For Beginners Yoga For Hips Thighs Photo Gallery

But available to be sitting a nice big stretch on the outside to write it, if you don’t like to take it a little bit further you can start to vent your elbows maybe lowering the chef’s don’t want to see them coming all the way down onto the forearms. And then when you’re a vegetable Jen one you choose you feel like it’s a bit challenging it’s tiring you can drop the back knee down or go to you keep the back leg up and press through that back feel nice and strong through the back leg you’re going to breathe here again for three to five breaths relaxing with the shoulders head and neck and feeling like your chest is sinking down toward the floor. So the shoulders no cords in space then when you’ve done your three to five breaths come back onto the palms you can perhaps come up don’t worry again whichever way you’d like to come out so now I’m going to show you how to move through a vinyasa and included as a pose in it so again we’ll start at the front of the mat that’s an amount in pose then inhale hands up high to the sky fun to touch exhale fold forwards inhale look up lengthen exhale step or hop back to high plank then either drop the knees or come down through chaturanga take up dog or low Cobra I think I’m all the way back downward facing dog then inhale your right foot up high to the sky exhale set the right before between hands into a runner’s lunge inhale continent way up credit lunge how can you take both hands down inside of the right set walk the right foot to the right a little bit readjust the hands wiggle the left foot back a little bit kind of again choosing option one stay here the two starts bend the elbows three come all the way down.

And then breathing here perhaps dropping the back knee perhaps not being that nice stretch through the left the outside of the right you using the breath to allow yourself to sink deeper on every exhale. So the thinning area how do you feel the tension the most for me this is the outside of the right hip I’m just using the breath directing it there to sink further and further for you on the chest Inc the shoulders moving forwards as you press firmly into that back peel when you’re down you’re free to progress coming back up onto the palms and we’re gonna come out through side angle pose so spin the back heel down onto the mat press into your right hand and take your left hand up towards the sky. And then look down at the front big toe inhale come all the way up to warrior two then one spin the hands over the head and down to mat step the right foot back to downward facing dog both words to hug take either drop the knees or chaturanga now you do the same thing on the left side. So Inhale left for fight the sky exhale set the left foot forks with hands into the lunge then inhale come in way up to a great lunch taking both hands down inside the left at this time walk the less that’s the left to readjust hands we’ve got the right foot back a little bit I don’t you to stay here again maybe bend the elbows perhaps coming all the way down. And then breathing here for three to five breaths again directing the breath into whatever you build potentially legs using that woojae where we practice the beginning of the section of posts missing breath to use the back heel. And then when you’ve done your three to five breaths coming back up onto the palms.

And then spin the back heel down coming into our side angle pose as you press into the left hand take the right hand up towards the sky and look down your front big toe inhale up to warrior two let’s swing the hands over the head and down to the mat step the left foot back to downward facing dog roll forward to high plank either drop four knees or chaturanga up dog or low Cobra and downward facing dog breathing here again for three to five breaths towards the hands behind the hands in thank you so much for reading today and learning how to do this at pose I hope you enjoyed it and they’re starting to get the idea of how to string the person together in sequence thank you so much to those of you who have already commented below you would like to comment please do or, if you’d like to subscribe you can do so above thanks so much see you again soon bye bye.

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