Yoga for the people

T he MBh confirms that the yoga discourse was not confined to the Brahmins, whose conservatism made them anyway very reluctant to adopt yoga. Instead the yoga notion seems to have been taken up much more favourably among the political elite. This has on one side diffused the yoga notion further, as it became used as an umbrella notion for all kinds of ascetic and meditative systems. Soon, it seems, everything related to the release of the self was yoga.

On the other side we can also see that this has led to discussions and expansions of the various views related to yoga. We get the sense of a living tradition full of debate, variety and change. It is a field of discussion very Sramanic in character regarding both theoria (sign system) and praxis (activity). The Brahmins are apparently mainly supposed to record and write down these discussions about release. They do not have much to contribute with regarding their Vedic or Upanishad theology. Thus the discussions of the MBh allow us a much better general sense of the yoga discourse than the mysticism of the Upanishads does.

From the pelvis, at the center of the pose, Yoga for the people stretch in all directions, pulling your shoulders back toward the wall. Revolve your head to Yoga for the people look up. TO INTENSIFY: Place your right fingertips or palm on the floor or on a block between your right foot and the wall. Extend your left arm up alongside your left ear, as in Tadasana Urdhva Hastasana, continuing the diagonal line of your left leg. Notice the balance of strength and expansion in this exhilarating pose. 1Inhale as you come back up. Repeat on the other side. You can stand in Tadasana before you repeat the pose on the other side if you wish, to rest and feel the effects.

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