One yogi suggests reflecting on ploughing our own lives and minds Yoga poses cartoon as we relax in this posture to weed out that which is not healthy for ourselves, Yoga poses cartoon and to begin to sow seeds of understanding and growth. Upon graduation from school, I had been excitedly planning a long trip to Africa, to climb Mt. Kilimanjaro in Tanzania and travel around for a while as a present to myself I didn’t want to rush into any life-making decisions just yet. 1 needed time to breathe and to pause between life’s events. I was in the midst of a major transition in my life, perhaps the biggest yet, and I wanted to savor it. A friend of mine had started an organization to save the rain forest in the eastern arc of Africa, in Tanzania.
For a few years already, I had been helping to raise funds to promote consciousness about the region through various efforts, and had wanted to visit the area to see what had been accomplished in terms of reforestation and education. I find that one of the great challenges of beginning and sustaining endeavors outside of our local communities, especially on a global scale, is to educate ourselves and take responsibility for how our actions may affect others; just as the actions of others, anyplace in the world, may affect ours.