Yoga poses for extreme weight loss

Like many human beings, yoga went through an almost rebellious Yoga poses for extreme weight loss sort of stage where the original teachings were rejected and masters of their discipline sought to stretch Yoga poses for extreme weight loss the boundaries and try to make new discoveries and techniques. This was the Post-Classical Yoga stage and was developed a few hundred years after Patanjali. These yoga masters developed a system believed to prolong life and revitalize the body.

They rejected the ancient teachings such as those in the Vedas and believed that they could embrace their physical bodies as a means to achieving enlightenment. Tantra yoga was developed in this period; it was a combination of techniques believed to cleanse all. The thought was you should break the binds that connect us to our physical selves in order to achieve enlightenment. It was these teachings and explorations that brought up to the creation of Hatha Yoga also known as Yoga of the West. This leads us into the Modern Period of Yoga blossoming around the late 1800s, early 1900s.

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