Yoga poses during period

Reality checks are important for us all, and my own Yoga poses during period return to Africa was an important crossroad. One of my life teachers often reminds me that Yoga poses during period we are what we seek. We arrived in Arusha in late June. I had caught a chest infection a few days before we began our climb in the rain forest on the way from Dar es Salaam. From what I’d read on the way over, I knew that altitude could play a dangerous role in such an infection, and I willed my way back to health almost overnight. We started the trek at 7,000 feet on a misty midafternoon. We were bent on learning some of the national language, so our amazing local guides kept us engaged by attempting to teach us Swahili as we wound our way up to the first camp. Each day, the temperatures grew colder as the altitude increased.

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