Yoga poses visual

The need to fuse with a hegemonic intellectual Tantra discourse

In summary, we can say that neither Vedanta nor Samkhya sign systems play a role in the final meditation styles outlined by Hemacandra. The Yoga-sastra seems to be an expression of Jainism under pressure and influence from competing discourses – especially Tantric Saivism and hence trying to adjust (Peterson 1998, Davis 1998). The strategy chosen was that of inclusion the same as everybody else used. So the text informs its Saivite audience that they can convert to Jainism with no worries. Jainism is also a kind of yoga – or sadhana – leading to liberation and supernatural powers.

Jainism did not embrace Tantra much more than this. Many parts of Jain core ideology were hard to fuse with Tantra. The Buddhists however embraced Tantra fully and even became a major force in its development. The Buddhists- who in certain rural parts of India had close connections with the Saivites – developed quite early in the Tantric period a couple of Tantras instructing a six-limb yoga: the Kalacakra- (about 1000 AD) and Guhya-samaja-tantra (4-8 century AD) (Gronbold 1996). The limbs are almost identical to most Saivite six-limb systems only tarka – thinking, judgement – is here replaced with the Buddhist notion of anusmriti, which means almost the same thing. We will return to these Buddhists in next chapter.

Overall we can see that Tantra and yoga enjoyed such high status that discourses which were very remote and opposite in outlook had to align with them and signal that they also were a part of the discourse. It seems that an almost pan-Indian intellectual cultural field emerged, strongly influenced by a hegemonic Brahmin theological discourse, to which everybody -newcomer as well as ancient – had to submit; all rather similar to modern academic hegemony where, if you want to be taken seriously – be seen as an expert – you need to write in a specific style, apply certain methods, quote the right classics and use a given jargon.

The most important thing you can do is be sure to Yoga poses visual keep your powerhouse engaged. This allows you to be in control of your body and thus Yoga poses visual keep your limbs, as well as your torso, stable. 28 BEGINNER Seated Side Bends BENEFITS: Lengthens the sides of your body, creating a smaller waist. Sit on the ball with one arm up, one against the ball. Bend to one side, stretching your opposite side long. Be sure not to twist your torso. Return to the center. Alternate sides.

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