Yoga Practice: A Sequence For Surrender

In this article, the author walks you through a vinyasa yoga sequence that can be used to help ground you and bring you back to yourself during your practice. It’s a staple for many yogis, but what are the benefits of vinyasa yoga?


If you’re anything like me, you probably think of yoga as a peaceful, calming activity that can help you focus and relax. But did you know that yoga can also be a powerfultool for surrendering yourself to the present moment? In this sequence, I’ll show you how to practice yoga with the intention of surrendering yourself to the flow of the practice.

If you’re new to yoga, start by sitting on the floor with your legs stretched out in front of you. Close your eyes and take a few deep breaths, grounding yourself in your body and clearing your mind. When you feel ready, start by doing some simple stretches: place your hands on your thighs and pull them towards your chest, or twist your head to the side and stretch out your neck.

Once you’ve warmed up, it’s time for the more challenging poses: first, tilt your pelvis forward so that your buttocks rest on the heels of both feet; then prop yourself up on one arm so that your shoulder is resting on the hand and leg opposite the raised arm, and extend the other arm overhead.

Yoga Practice: A Sequence For Surrender Photo Gallery

What are Yoga Practice Vinyasa Sequences?

A Vinyasa sequence is a set of poses that are usually repeated together. Vinyasa means “flow” and refers to the natural flow of energy through the body during yoga. Vinyasa is a powerful practice that can help you to connect with your breath, ease tension in your muscles, and calm your mind. A vinyasa sequence can be a great way to start your yoga practice or to increase your intensity level.

There are many different vinyasa sequences available online and in print. The following sequence is designed to be performed at a moderate pace. If you want to increase the intensity, you can add more challenging poses or move faster through the sequence.

1) Starting Position: Come into DOWNWARD-FACING dog pose with hands on the floor next to your hips, heels close to the buttock, and chest lifted. Breath in and press down into heels, lift chest upward, and extend arms overhead. Keep shoulders down and back, and neck long. Hold for 3-5 breaths before releasing into downward-facing cat pose.

2) Downward-Facing Dog Pose: Lift hips up towards the ceiling, extending thighs toward the floor. Keep spine straight, and shoulders down and back. Continue to rest in this pose 10-30 seconds, depending on your activity level.

3) Downward-Facing Cat Pose: Inhale as you press down into your heels and lift chest upward. Extend arms overhead and gaze forward. Exhale as you press into heels and exhaling belly button towards the floor. Keep chest lifted, neck long, shoulders down and back, gaze forward, and thighs firm with knees bent at a 90-degree angle (or slightly wider). Hold for 3-5 breaths before releasing into downward-facing dog pose again.

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Where do we start?

The first step in any yoga practice is to find our center. In order to do this, we must surrender to the practice. We must let go of what is preventing us from finding peace and stillness within ourselves.

There are a few simple steps we can take to help us on our journey to surrender:

1. Begin by taking some deep breaths and settling into your pose. Notice how your body feels in the pose and commit to staying there for as long as possible.

2. When you feel comfortable, begin to release any stress or tension you may be carrying with you. Let it flow away through your body without holding on to it.

3. Once you’ve released all the tension, begin to focus on your breath. Breathe in and out through your nose slowly and evenly, allowing the breath to fill up your entire body.

4. As you breathe, imagine that the air is cleansing your mind and body of any negative thoughts or feelings that may be lurking there. Allow yourself to relax into the experience and allow the breath to take you where it needs to go.

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What is Your Practice Like and Why?

I am a practicing yoga teacher and student. My practice is about surrendering to the flow of the moment, accepting what is happening and letting go. I believe that this surrendering allows us to find our true nature and connect with our innermost Self.

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Common Mistakes in Practice

Many people start yoga to improve their health, but end up practicing incorrectly because they are not aware of the basic sequence for surrender. Here is a guide to help you practice safely and effectively.

When surrendering, it is important to be in the moment and focus on your breath. Pay attention to your body and how it feels. If something feels uncomfortable, adjust accordingly.

Start by lying down on your back with your eyes closed. Take a few deep breaths and let them out slowly. Then, start by bringing your hand to your chest and closing your fist. As you breathe out, imagine letting go of any thoughts or feelings that are not related to the present moment. When you breathe in, let go of anything that you’ve let go during the breathing exercise. Repeat this sequence for 10-12 breaths.

Once you have completed the sequence, sit up and take a few deep breaths before moving on to the next pose. Be sure to relax into each pose and allow yourself time to adjust if necessary.

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How to Avoid these Mistakes

If you’re new to yoga, or if you’re struggling with a particular pose, it can be easy to make a few common beginner mistakes. Here are four tips to help you avoid them:

1. Don’t overthink it. If you’re having difficulty with a pose, don’t spend too much time trying to figure out the right way to do it. Just take some simple steps and go with the flow. You’ll eventually find your own way and get more comfortable with the pose.

2. Don’t force anything. If you’re having trouble with a pose, don’t try to force it into a different shape or move too quickly. Allow yourself time to experiment and find the right sequence for you. This will ensure that you’re achieving the poses correctly and safely.

3. Stay focused on your breath. When practicing yoga, always keep your focus on your breath. Inhale and focus on bringing your bellybutton in towards your spine, then exhale and let go of everything else. This will help you stay calm and centered in the pose.

4. Be patient – practice slowly at first. It can be tough to start practicing yoga gradually because it feels so good to be in a pose, but it’s important to be patient. Begin with a simple pose and build up to your more advanced poses gradually.

For any of you newbies out there who have been practicing yoga for years, I’m sure you can offer some helpful advice for anyone just starting their practice or looking for some new tips. Share below the best tips you’ve found so far!

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In this yoga practice, you will be surrendering to the moment. You will be following a sequence that helps you connect with your breath, your body and your mind. By focusing on each part of your body, you will allow yourself to relax and let go. In this sequence, you are not trying to achieve any specific pose; rather, you are simply allowing yourself to surrender to the experience. If this type of yoga feels like it is too challenging for you at the moment or if you find yourself struggling to stay present during some poses, that is okay — always stick with what feels comfortable for you. As long as you are taking small steps in the right direction, every Yoga practice can lead towards greater personal growth.

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