Free Intermediate Vinyasa Flow Hip Opening Class

Welcome to the rhone yoga everryone today we’re gonna work on a hip sequence it’s gonna be a drone yoga vinyasa with some options for a little more challenging poses so really practice just what feels reasonable for you let’s come to the hands and knees we’re gonna start with delicious pose which is fantastic to warm up the hips that lower back and really moving in circles to one direction and, if you feel like adding shoulder. And head movement please go ahead really try to bring fluidity into the body switching directions, if you haven’t done so already really be generous with your movement that your body slowly start to born especially your hip area okay eventually coming back to Center keep your hips over the knees and walk your hands forward for downward puppy allow your head to come down to the ground, if it reaches the ground bring your chin to the ground for a little more intensity.

And then bring your hands to the top of the mat tuck the toes under and make your way to a vanassa now the downward facing dog will warm up a little bit by bending one knee at a time so when you bend the knee just exhale into the straight leg feel the stretch. And then slowly switch sides and go for the other leg keeping your breath alive and try to keep your mind steady and focused as you’re practicing. So you’re really present with your movement and with your breath and with your gaze right eventually bring both feet both heel towards the heels towards the earth and take the right leg up to the sky we’re gonna ride away open up the hips so bending the knee and take a couple of ankle rotations and straighten the leg and as you exhale bring the knee to the nose inhale back to the sky exhale across and inhale back to the sky exhale over towards the right side bend the elbows for a second and back to the sky bring the right foot forward between the hands the left knee down and lower the hips down you’re welcome to stay here with the hands on the ground or, if it feels reasonable for you you’re welcome to bring the hands up either to the mean or eventually even placing them on the hips. So we were moving a little faster earlier it’s pretty warm where I was practicing this was in Israel. So I was moving a little faster.

But then giving time to stay to balance that yang practice with you and really sinking into the hips we’re opening especially the cell as the hip flexors of the front left thigh we’re going to stay a little longer and open some more. So we’re going to take the left hand to the ground and start to open your shoulder your right shoulder over to the right side to the right side so sink the hips even further allow your right to need to start to move over to the right side open your chest really really really feel heavy especially on the left side of the hips remember to breathe we’re doing a few of these stay there longer poses so really breathe through them let’s go take everything else out take the right leg back either take a full vinyasa or just lower down with the knees down to chaturanga open up to a baby Cobra. And then take it back to downward dog just to warm up good news you guys that’s to the left side left that comes up. And then bending the hips bending the knee opening the hips take a few ankle rotations breathing straightening the left leg behind you as you exhale bring the knee forward and towards the nose inhale back to the sky exhale come across over to the right elbow inhale back exhale left knee over to the left elbow with the option of bending the elbows take it back.

And then bring the left foot forward between the hands lower the right knee down we’re going again for a variation of anjaney Asana of low lunge bring the hands to the knee or eventually up to the hip keeping the hips heavy down towards the ground again stretching the front right side of the thigh this time the size of the right leg the hip flexors and at the same time that the hips are sinking heavy to the ground use your breath and with every inhale lift a bit in the chest lengthen a bit in the spine and with the exhales relax the shoulders relax the face the eyes great let’s go take it to the variation. So we’re gonna bring the right hand to the ground and open the left knee a bit to the side sinking deeply and slowly opening up the upper left side of the body breathe few more breaths really allow it to open remember that you know with the hips it takes time there’s never like pushing right away to a hundred percent at least for me and slowly right with the breath I allow it to keep opening there we go step it back lower down to chaturanga inhale upward facing dog chest comes through their arms. And then back to downward facing dog breathing here as long as we practice with the hips were really allowing a lot of stuff to come up beyond just opening physically the hips we’re opening the area of the first three chakras right foot comes forward between the hands left leg super strong really press that back leg again sinking into the hips and try to keep the hips low as you come up to high lunge right it’s the first three chakras a lot of emotions are stored there a lot of things related to our basic needs to our sexuality. So we really gotta be patient with this. And then really on the other hand allow softness allow things to open hands down to the ground step it back chaturanga dand Asana in here open the heart and exhale Mukesh vana sana left leg here we go left foot between the hands right leg really strong keep the hips low elongate the spine. And then try to come up with that long spine in the hips low Anjali Asana low lunge ii and stay and breathe, if you can’t bring the hands together, if you’re feeling steady take the gaze up keep sinking in the hips keep tucking slightly the tailbone down and reaching reaching powerfully with the arms as at the same time your shoulders relaxing slow and steady exhale all the way down to chaturanga dand Asana inhale activate the legs and open the chest looks like the odd exhale downward facing dog II the right foot forward bring the left foot forward and instead of forward folding just bend and sit into a squat yep it is hip day. So I’m sitting down as low as I can with the hips. But I’m stre is still trying to lengthen in my spine.

And then as I exhale I’m gonna try to straighten the legs and forward fold just wherever it feels good for you holding the elbows and take a few breaths to really allow the spine to lengthen some more right head reaches town towards the ground there’s not a lot of doing it’s a lot of surrendering a lot of just allowing. And then we’ll go back down bend the knees and lower your hips down toward the ground straighten the legs again forward fold and back down to the squat and straighten let the head drop back down to the squat and straighten again hips to the sky head down towards the ground breathe another deep breath here great. And then we’re gonna slowly bend the knees and roll up to standing awesome you guys take a moment breathe readjust your legs bring the feets together and we’re gonna open the right foot to the right side for tricking us another triangle pose so take the arms up reach them far forward. And then take the right arm down towards where ever it reaches right it doesn’t matter maybe it reaches down towards the ankle maybe it’s higher up on the leg open the left arm to the sky, if possible look up towards your left hand keep the Drishti the gaze steady. And then inhale come up switching to the other side reach way forward left hand down right arm up and look up towards the upper hand, if possible keep the Bundys working the belly is like Ian and really keep opening up the upper part of your chest inhale come back up we’re just gonna simply parallel the feet here we’re going right into prasarita padottan Asana hands on the hips inhale lengthen and with an exhale forward fold take the hands down, if possible between the legs inhale elongate the spine and exhale forward fold hands towards the earth and welcome to stay here pressing the heel of the hand down to allow a little more length in the spine to allow the head to come a little further towards the ground remember, if your head is all the way on the ground. And it just feels like you’re doing nothing narrow your stance a little bit. So you have what to work towards all right though the pose eventually is head to the ground I like to start an inch away from the ground. So that throughout my breathing you can see how my back has elongated. And now my head managed to touch the ground at the end of the practice, if it never does that’s fine too of course come halfway up. And then bending the right knee and lower the hips down right you may be a little further up you may be dropping down maybe your heel is up maybe down doesn’t really matter keep working on opening up the chest mostly towards the left side. And your hands can either stay on the ground or, if you have a bind take the bind remember it doesn’t really matter how far you go.

But that you’re kind of feeling the stretch that you’re comfortable in the pose and that you stay focused releasing slowly you can either bring the hands to the heart or to the ground in order to shift to the other side and again maybe your heel is up that’s perfectly okay maybe you can lower the heel down you can keep the hand your left arm pressing against the left knee to help open it up. And then maybe one day you take the vine keep pressing open that left knee towards the left and open the right shoulder up to the sky maybe even looking up towards the right side and breathe remember always we’re staying here. And the more we deepen our exhales the more our hips will relax and release a lot of emotional release we’ll play around. And you can try and move from side to side a few times you’re welcome again to use the hands on the ground or, if you can hands at the heart pressing using your legs using your core keep moving from one side to another. And then eventually come back to the center to about prasarita distance hands back to the hips and inhale come all the way up to standing. And your arms up to a tee. And then clasp your fingers behind the back as you inhale lengthen the spine and as you exhale forward fold so again here we find this combo of really a little work. But mostly releasing. So the arms are pressing a little bit towards the ground. But mostly they’re just really allowing kind of gravity and their own little weight to do the work you can see my head is almost at the ground. And now it’s touching the ground. But I started a little further and that helped me take away some of the curve of my spine and really lengthen the spine and.

So It’s kind of a balance a little bit lengthening in the spine a little bit letting the arms come towards the ground okay great then we’re gonna come a little bit out to take the hands away from the back to the ground and we’re gonna go for some twisting. So you can start option 1 right hand to the ground left arm to the sky option 2 wrap the left arm behind the back go take your inner thigh option 16 reach your right arm towards the left ankle option 79 right elbow towards the ground option 600 try to bring your face towards your left knee left thigh to deepen the stretching here notice that as much as I’m bringing my leg towards my face towards the leg I was still working on lengthening the spine good news you guys here we go we got a second side set this time left hand down right arm either on the sacrum or maybe up to the sky really working on opening both shoulders and twisting, if that feels good. And you want to go a little further wrap behind the back try to take your inner thigh and again left hand can either go towards the left side may be holding the ankle eventually left elbow towards the sky towards the ground which will deepen the twist. And the stretch. And the face will move over towards the right leg again don’t forget to breathe so even as this may be intense try to always stay calm in the face calm in all the parts of the body that are not needing to work coming back to Center inhale come halfway up pause. And then inhale again all the way up. And come back to the front of your mat take a breath or two to realign refocus. And then we’re gonna go and do some balance pose which of course we’ll take couple of cheetah pose. Because that helps open the hips as well I’m bringing the right ankle over the right thigh right over the knee. And then lowering the hips down while keeping the chest open. So I can just lower your hips as far back and down as you can. So that you’re not bringing the front neither standing like knee too far forward it doesn’t come far beyond the ankle then that’s it we’re staying there for a while coming up releasing Nadia Comaneci style which simply means we’re releasing really nice slow and with control all of our transitions are always focused and slow we’re switching sides left ankle on top. And this time lowering the hips back and down chest is up gaze is steady belly is slowly slightly tucked in and breath is deep you can lower your hips as far as feels reasonable for you for some of us could be just a tiny bit some of us will lower down literally like we’re having a seat to drink our cappuccinos great here we go slowly up again knee forward releasing with controls that’s the Bundys helping us here and really seem taking a deep breath keeping the mind calm and steady we’re gonna bend to the knees deeply and we’re gonna reach for which cat Asana. So the hips just like in cappuccino or lower down maybe slightly less than cappuccino the belly is in the arms are reaching up gaze goes breath tags are strong the Drishti the gaze towards the hand helps us stay focused helps us stay present exhale slowly forward fold all the way down hands down to the ground the head towards the shins take a breath here.

And then inhale lengthen the spine bend the knees and step or jump back your choice lower down chaturanga dand Asana inhale urdhva mukha Svan Asana the upward facing dog exhale ah da mukha Svan Asana lis downward facing dog great greed he’ll still towards the ground. And then bring the right foot forward we’re going right into what I call HIPPA licious or sometimes people call it lizard pose the hands are on the ground the back knee is on the ground. And the front leg the rights me you can keep the foot on the ground or, if possible open it towards the right side. So you’re on the edge of the right foot. And then you’re gonna lower down as far as feels comfortable maybe you lower the elbows to a block maybe the elbows all the way down to the ground maybe you’re all the way down to the ground and that’s easy and, if you notice I’ve moved my back leg further back which hoof creates a lot more intensity try to keep your hips parallel don’t fall on to one side you can see you there it’s pretty flat and then, if all that’s easy lower your head all the way down more than anything practice deep exhales. And then really deepening the exhales helps us activate the parasympathetic system helps us relax everything when we’re really relaxed also our hips open a lot faster a lot quicker it’s the art of doing nothing the art of surrendering come up part way take your right arm or under it’s like you’re threading it though there’s no thread really it goes over to the left side and as your right shoulder goes maybe it’s the elbow maybe it’s the shoulder towards the ground you can even use your left hand on the ground to press a little bit. So that it helps you deepen the twist as, if before it was not enough right. And then we’re gonna do one more little tricky here we’re moving into the pigeon pose the eka pada rock up with us on a prep inhale create a lot of length let your hips sink as far down as you can remember that your right foot can be close to the hips that’s perfectly fine only, if it’s easy pull the right foot further out that will definitely intensify the stretch. And then from there start to lower down right I’ve lowered first to the elbows with a long spine.

And then I’ve lowered all the way down. But I try to like not collapse right away once I found my pose then I can surrender then there’s no more need to try and lengthen anymore or fix anything really really really allow a sense of doing nothing okay then when you’re there, if you need to adjust a bit adjust. But other than that stay and breathe really listened the sound of your breath Wu Jie breath going through the nose passing through the throat creating a soft sound, if you want to have even more intensity place your right hand on your right leg right thigh and press. So that you’re opening a little bit the right shoulder towards the sky notice your gaze try to keep it soft and steady where is your mind you stay present with your breath maybe with the intensity of the post doesn’t matter as long as you are here right now without any added judgement just practice practice the art of being here the art of accepting things exactly as they are okay we’re gonna lift back up and we’re gonna practice stretching a little deeper into our quads into this COIs delicious pose that may actually go more into this so as eventually depending how low you lower your hips. So I’ve bent the back leg the left foot taking it with my left hand. And then I’m bringing it way forward as far as is reasonable for you try to keep the foot alongside the body you can see my hands peeking out there doesn’t matter as usual how far you go just try to stay in a place where you can breathe deeply it helps to keep the bond as active to keep the pelvic floor lifted for stability yeah the release part. And this is the fun part right. So I’m coming out you can see I’m moving it a little bit forward.

And I’m taking big circles with my right leg to both kind of enjoy all this hip mobility to create some movements create some warm. And also to create some heat. And some strength in the hip area after it’s been stretched so much you can do it like I’ve done it with the knee down or you can do it in downward dog with straight legs or the combo of both just important to kind of release after we do these long holds great after a breath or two in downward dog I’ve got some super good news for you guys yep here we go left side right we’re starting with the hip a licious yummy yummy and my hips the lizard pose notice I’ve got my left foot forward I’m on the edge of the left foot. And then taking my time right I didn’t rush right down into it I stayed up moved a tiny bit to create warmth and to really release in that area then I’ve lowered to my elbows which maybe you didn’t maybe you stayed up maybe you’re on a block. And then I’m mentioning my spine a little bit and slowly I’m starting to lower even further right. So this is where you stay present and listen to your body maybe your body tells you hey dude stay stay don’t go anywhere maybe it says well it’s time you can go further. And it usually happens the more you allow it to happen the hips are the seats of our emotional being from the area of our basic needs of knowing that we feel safe that we have shelter that we have a roof over our head that we have food to eat to the place of creativity sensuality and sexuality and so many of us hold tightness there are holding some things from the past are not releasing are not free. And it’s really important than when we’re here we allow ourselves to relax as much as possible to free ourselves from any past Holdings and we’re doing it both by just simply surrendering the mind as well as by allowing the hips to open physically I’ve taken the mini little twist here. So, if you want thread your left arm over and press your right hand on the ground to open up a little more again this is really like a super-duper very optional thing most of us will not need to do this I’m doing this as it really helps me go a little deeper into my hips. But it feels good so there’s no making faces while I’m doing that just as we think it’s all over I’m shifting to the pigeon pose so again setting up you can see I’ve started with that foot really close to the hips letting my hips drop down that felt good now I’ve moved it out which again maybe you don’t I’m finding the place where okay my hips are still moving towards the ground I’ve opened let them sink a little more you can see I’m breathing I think I’m even smiling there oh boy.

And then I’m going down right can you do it from a place of joy of happiness not of like oh my god I heard this or my hips are so tight right that will help them stay tight you need to release in your mind come from place of gratitude and happiness and that helps you suddenly move the foot a little further forward. Because you’re coming from place that allows the hips that allowing your emotions to just be free just be okay right. And I’m taking my time playing with it. Because the foot keeps coming out it doesn’t happen like this every day some days I’m luckier than others maybe this just feels good day said respect where you are today and not how you were yesterday or six years ago or when you were six year old ballerina of course right really respect. Because the hips I call them patients poses. And you have to kind of just be there surrender surrender surrender you fight your hips it’s like it makes it worse so here we go let’s take a few more breaths here take an inhale and try to take a really long slow exhale through the nose feel your shoulders relax your fingers your toes. And you’re ready exhale again really slow maybe even as you exhale feel your hips softening surrendering towards the ground you wanna come deep in a little further you can just kind of trying get the hips one way or another further down to the ground I’m just pressing with my left hand a little bit down. But I’m still pretty comfy I even have my head resting on my arm find what works for you it’s okay to play around and to explore your body your way of practicing. And then it’s all over well kind of we’re coming out we’re coming up and we’re bending the right knee to stretch the quads so as to get some quad alysha’s again to start to bring it. And it may just come by only a bit that is okay please be okay with where you are, if it is fine flip the fingers to face forward in the same directions as the toes.

And then just come and allow the foot to come wherever it is notice that I’m also opening the chest while doing that right there’s no collapse. So the hips are down the chest is lifting up shoulders away from the ears and there we go let’s release then we’re gonna come back to the tabletop or to all fours and take some circles or maybe even start with just forward and back really listen here you got to listen to your body when you’re ready you can go ahead and do these circles to each direction with the left knee out to the side. And then I like to sometimes do it also in downward dog with straight leg it’s more intense it’s more strengthening. But maybe you stay with the first version just with a nice down that’s perfectly awesome okay downward dog II and take a breath or two notice your gaze take a vinyasa lower down chaturanga inhale upward facing dog good for mukha Svan Asana exhale atom mukha Svan Asana coming to the front of the mat you can step well I just walked I didn’t jump and have a seat for baddha kon Asana bound angle pose open up your feet right feet together knees to the side like you’re gonna read a book. And then forward fold remember the forward folding doesn’t mean you’re going all the way down means you’re going to wherever you can and once you’re there of course surrender into the pose some of us can’t go all the way down or even just a little bit it really we’re in slump Asana or the knees are too far high and that case just sit on a block elevate your hips that’ll really help to tilt the hips a little forward and create more space we want to always feel the hips here we never want to feel the knees let’s slowly come out of the pose and we’re gonna go for some more hip alicia’s on our spine so lay down slowly with control onto your back we’ll take thread the needle right knee comes over left thigh just below the knee right and wraps into that little space between your legs and holds either the shin or, if that’s too far away hold the thigh. And then work on bringing the left thigh closer to your chest try to keep your tailbone somewhat down towards the ground especially, if it gets easy and keep breathing here this will slowly warm up we’ll stay here for a while only, if that was easy for you really only, if that’s easy lower the left foot to the ground take hold of your right foot and bring your right foot to the forehead right eye was touching my third eye there, if you can touch your third eye. And then mail your knee your right knee a little bit to the side and take the right shoulder over the leg or the leg under the shoulder for a lot of us this is googa googa in 10 see, if it isn’t tense please stay there I only move on, if it feels pretty reasonable and there’s not a lot of pressure eventually the foot will go behind the head and, if that is easy straighten the left leg which will intensify. So I’m taking it more or less behind the head.

Free Intermediate Vinyasa Flow Hip Opening Class Photo Gallery

And then I’ve worked on straightening the leg over time it’ll straighten it straightening more and sometimes at the beginning when I used to take it behind the head I used to hold the leg behind. Because it was kind of like just way too much as that gets easy enough you can let go of that you can reach your arm forward and press your straight leg. So It goes further down or just keep the hands at the heart whatever is good for you, if you stayed at the previous variation I hope you’re enjoying it and still breathing remember to take slightly longer exhalations than inhalations to activate your parasympathetic system to allow your stress mechanism to relax to tell your body that it’s safe there’s no Tigers coming after you. And then as safe as it feels the hips will of course surrender quicker release the leg take some movements. And the hip and knees whatever feels really good for you before we do the second side EPDM setting up left foot on right thigh holding the shin the knee or the justify and world slowly get into the pose remember stay you try to stay steady right I tend to move a little bit to deepen the pose. But other than that try not to fidget too much sometimes when we stay longer in the pose it gets a little discomfort we get a little discomfort in the mind more so than the body there’s this are we there yet are we there yet do I need to check my emails how some food see, if you can really just hang out enjoy it for those that need to go further. And then release the right foot to the ground take the left foot to toes touching the third eye, if that works then work on the leg behind the head remember to respect the body don’t go strong on this I’ve managed to hurt my lower back here and I’ve seen people hurt their knee when they went into this pose prematurely so again this should feel really reasonable when you’re doing it there shouldn’t be a lot of pain otherwise stay in the first variation or the second variation don’t go all the way to like behind the head you should be able to stretch your lips to the ears here which in English translates a smile and, if you can’t smile you’ve gone too far find a place where it’s stretching. But also at the same time it feels good few more breaths keeping the mind steady can you hear the sound of your breath that’s the leg is behind the head the head is pressing slightly down on the leg to hold it there and to open.

And then let’s come out release again take the knees a bit from side to side just to release a bit in the hips move around. And we will go to the happy baby not to take ourselves too seriously, if you wide straight the legs into a souped-up Avista kon Asana right a couple of breaths there. And then come back on to your back onto your spine we’ll take a twist to release all this wrapping the right leg over the left I’ve got full Eagle legs there you don’t have to go full way move your hips a little bit to the right. And your knees go to the left this will help, if you lift up your head you will see that your hips should be more or less in the same line as your head trying to keep your right shoulder to the ground as much as you can not an easy task. But I start with the shoulder down and only then take the knees down. So the knees have an easier time to come down and, if the shoulder is already down it’s more likely it will stay close to the earth the gaze goes towards the right shoulder as the head turns that way it helps the shoulders stay down. And it helps give you a full twist in your spine from the neck through the back all the way down to the hips how’s your breathing I won’t tell you any more to deepen your exhales hopefully by now you got that especially in poses where we stay in like where we hold come out switch sides this time the left wraps over the right hips move a little bit over to the left side the gaze goes over to the left arm the knees go down towards the right you can have the right hand resting on the ground or resting on the knees to give them a tiny bit more weight so they can come down a little further try to keep your engage your Drishti steady doesn’t matter really what you’re looking at in this case we’re going over to the left side and idea is just to really keep it steady this helps tsveti the mind when the Drishti wanders many times the mind wanders as well and most of our yoga practice is training the mind even when we open our hips we’re opening and releasing stuck emotions to help the mind be more free slowly slowly start to release come back up okay hug the knees into the chest for a moment give yourself a yummy yummy yummy Aggie Aggie lovey. And then we’ll prepare for shoulder stand so maybe move your hips a little forward on the mat. And come up to your salamba sharpen gasa roll the shoulders under to protect your neck place the hands on the lower back walk the elbows closer in as much as you can. And then take a breath and we’re gonna continue with some hip playfulness so open up your legs wide right open up your legs as wide as yoga. And just stay there and breathe in this variation of shoulder stand then we’re gonna try and go helicoptering the legs so they’re kind of twisting their hips a little bit from side to side just once or twice to each direction. And come back to the wide legged shoulder stand push the kon Asana insulin Bashara bandh Asana bring the legs back up and either take your knees to the side feet together in baddha kon Asana style or, if you have the Lotus then take the legs and fold them in. And then support your back and try to bring the knees towards the chest towards the belly maybe even towards the head some people like to wrap the arms around the legs of tongue style I’m holding my back here a little more to really allow the legs to go further down and keep length in the spine great I’m gonna slowly come back up either from your Lotus or buddy straighten the legs. And then we’ll take them over the head into a la Serna pose so arms can go down towards the ground, if possible clasp the hands bring them towards the mat lengthen the spine legs are long.

And then eventually we’re gonna bend the knees to karna pedasi and I bring the knees towards the ears feet come as close as possible together maintain your breath and take one more breath here. And then we’re gonna slowly slowly make our way down so release the clasp of the hands the hands are on the ground slowing down your movement as you try to come down possible with sleep straight legs to kind of use your core going right into a variation of mutts yes or not really we’re going to go into tan upon us enough sometimes people call fish. But this is a different variation in different pose the chest is up we prop up onto the elbows head down. And then either stay there in a fish or, if possible legs up and hands up in the air just take a few breaths there then lower everything down to the ground and bring the knees into the chest for a big hug to balance that little bit of a backbend. And then here comes the good part just move around a tiny bit to make sure everything is released, if you need a last little supine twist twist on your back take the legs to each side and breathing inside a few breaths eventually get your self ready for shav Asana you’ve done a lot of opening a lot of hip opening. And it’s really nice to let this integrate. So Instead of getting up running away take a moment or two and really allow yourself to sink allow yourself to be heavy to the ground palms facing up neck is long feet relaxed maybe they fall a bit towards the side that your hips being heavy towards the Earth almost like you can imagine the melting away like your hips started off as good dark-chocolate. And now they were slightly warmed up and heated and they’re gonna just melt into the earth shoulders are soft and relaxed the belly just moves calmly with the breath no need to even try to breathe no need to do anything special at all.

And it’s called corpse pose shav Asana for a reason it’s the pose where we just allow things to be exactly as they are no control whatsoever of anything just surrender you allow yourself to die completely right now within your life you’re actually giving yourself the freedom to live fully when you get up only when you learn to release control completely can you have the freedom to have control when you actually need it slowly bring your consciousness back to the body as you find that openness. And the hips remind yourself what is it you still need to do to take care of yourself to be more vulnerable to be more available for life and with that intention slowly start to bring the knees up roll onto your right side. And then slowly we’re gonna make our way back to a seated position any comfortable seated position feel free to stay here in meditator that a longer, if you like and otherwise I’m gonna just say thank you so much for your practice and dedication remember to subscribe to the blog you can also check out Darrell Yoga calm there’s a lot more articles beyond the posts that’s really worthwhile including retreats teacher trainings. And the like and leave me a comment what else would you want to see happy to do what you need thanks again love you all namaste.

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