Do Less, Relax More: Legs-Up-the-Wall Pose

Do Less, Relax More: Legs-Up-the-Wall Pose

Provides the grounding power for your inversion flow Lie on your back with your knees bent and feet close to your sit bones.

1 . With soft eyes, widen your arms out from your shoulders, palms up. Can you keep the feeling of widening your chest as you glide your arms alongside your body? Then, gently spiral your lower arms so your palms are facing down. You may notice that your chest, back and shoulders are open, and your upper and lower arms are grounded on the mat. (If this is difficult for you, just know that something is “missing,” rather than “wrong”—and we can discover what it means to deepen your peripheral awareness!)

Do Less, Relax More: Legs-Up-the-Wall Pose Photo Gallery

2. In order to explore Bridge with less tension, notice that your feet are looking for a deeper relationship with your spine, so that as you exhale and sense weight into your feet, your tail wants to curl. Move your feet to find this relationship; your inhale and exhale become a massage for your spine from foot to head.

3. As you float up into Bridge, soften your chest so your ribs and back aren’t overly bracing; allow your foot to head and hamstrings to take the weight, supported by your upper core, SBIB and arms.

4. Release down, but instead of one vertebra at a time, which can be tension producing, just allow your spine to float down from the support of your heart.

5. Float your hips back up, and then inhale as you float one leg up; exhale to lower. Lower to the mat and repeat on your other side; you may notice an easier access to Shoulder Bridge with Kicks.

6. As you float back down from Bridge, sense weight in your upper core and flow to Rollover.

7. Allow the weight shifting sensation of your legs traveling toward your head, and your SBIB assisting the lift of your lower spine and legs, to flow from Rollover to Jackknife.

8. As your legs reach toward the ceiling, and then slowly release back down and up again, allow the support of your upper-core platform with your hands supporting your back to help you transition to Scissors/Bicycle; sense how your legs are rooted to your BS, then notice how I am changing my hand position to transition to support my pelvis and floating legs.

9. Transitioning to High Bridge, sense the length of your spine from inner ear to feet, so your upper core can sense your floating spine from foot to head and hand, as your legs pour over your hands toward the floor, one leg at a time.

10. Your spine feels playful, naturally flowing to Backbend; how can your front body lengthening through support from the ground, allow lift along your spine from inner ankle to inner ear DTB, which naturally evokes lift UTF?

11 . Melting back down, come into the embryo position holding your legs, and gently allow your knees to sway one way as your eyes and head look the other direction, rocking from side to side and feeling nourished! TIP S Rather than thinking of how many variations you do with Bridge, get clear on how your Bridge is a foundation for every inversion. Have fun with your practice, and allow yourself to listen and be guided by your brilliant biointelligent self!

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