Seven Yoga Tips for Conscious Sex and Relating

Maintain eye contact. Relax the facial muscles, relax the eyes, relax the gaze. Let yourself be seen as you gently gaze into your partner’s eyes (better to focus on the left eye of your partner).

To deepen intimacy and connection, even if emotions are challenging, maintain a posture that is facing your partner and eye contact. Do not turn your face or body away, as much as possible Words are not necessary.

Seven Yoga Tips for Conscious Sex and Relating Photo Gallery

If your partner’s posture is very yielding, asymmetrical or unstructured (a more receptive, feminine stance), assume a posture that is more structured, symmetrical, erect (a more active, masculine stance).

When touching your partner sensuously, maintain breath awareness and slow down. Feel your breath flowing into your hand and fingers, through to the physical point of contact, pay attention to all the details of sensation just where skin touches skin and allow your breath and energy to flow right through to your partner’s body, making this an honouring love offering.

In lovemaking, let any movement you make come as an expression of the breath and energy in your body, rising from your sex, belly and heart, whilst you are sensitively aware of your partner. Make any movement simply following this energy and sensitivity, not familiar patterns or any notions around what lovemaking ought to look like.

Love and respect yourself and your partner. Remember you are Divine Humans. Honour differences and respect boundaries.

Elena Angel

Elena holds workshops and one-to-one sessions with men. women and couples on conscious sexuality She is also leading a series of workshops for singles who are searching for a partner called Tantric Alchemy Manifesting Your Soulmate

Breathe. Maintain breath awareness, bring the breath right down to your belly as you inhale, let the breath rise up, as you exhale, through the heart, and out to space. Feel yourself grounded and in your body, feel your heart spacious and available.

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