What has teaching yoga taught you?

That my job is not to teach exercise, or create flexible people. My job is to inspire, to awaken in others an awareness that brings the present moment to life. I am not in control of another person’s practice. I am a guide. I hold space and offer tools, the student has to do the rest.

You teach workshops across the world.

Is there one question you are consistently asked by students?

“I’m thinking of becoming a teacher, any advice? To which my reply is normally “If you really love your yoga passionately, then don’t teach. Just enjoy the ride of the practice. However, if you really love people and have a deep compassion to inspire others, then start slow, take your time and work alongside a senior teacher for a few years before jumping into teaching.”

What has teaching yoga taught you? Photo Gallery

In your DVD, you mention opening up to your own personal power and you focus on the third chakra. What do you mean by this, and why is it important for people to connect to this area?

The third chakra, or Manipura chakra is important to connect to because it is the seat of your own personal power. It’s where your ‘gut instinct’ comes from and your ability to trust yourself to move forward. In most places I visit in the west, I notice that people have become ‘sheeple’ and are afraid to step out of the ‘norm’, even in the world of yoga where the emphasis is to find freedom or liberation.

You’re the director of the Brahmani Yoga studio in Goa. Does teaching yoga in India differ to teaching in the west?

Yes, it’s entirely different. Students who show up in Goa are much more dedicated already having made the pilgrimage to devote some time to their practice. I can take students on a deeper journey within themselves and give space for personal development as no one has to rush off to work or family concerns. India is fertile ground for transformation.

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