The Secret To Losing Weight: Hatch A Plan

With cards to send and presents to buy, there’s one thing that’s often relegated to the bottom of your to-do list – you! It can be tempting to put your weight loss on the back-burner until January, when actually, wouldn’t you rather enter the new year feeling like you’re on track, rather than starting again? Kerrie Bailey from Fareham, Hampshire, who lost 5st 3½lbs with Carole Harris’s Portchester group, now takes a planned approach to the festive season. ‘When I first joined Slimming World, I found myself 34 throwing caution to the wind over Christmas,’ she says.

The Secret To Losing Weight: Hatch A Plan Photo Gallery

‘It took me two months to get back on track and down to my pre-Christmas weight! Last year, I planned ahead – batch cooking Food Optimising meals so I always had something on standby for busy days, and using my Syns for treats.

I still ate what I wanted and lost 2lbs in Christmas week – what a great way to start the new year!’ Try-it tip: Have a date with your diary, starting now, and set aside some time to batch cook for the week ahead. Even if you’re not normally a planner, getting into the habit now will mean you’re in the swing when your social life ramps up.

‘Keep it simple,’ says Alexandra. ‘Choose easy recipes that you can divide into portions and freeze, and that don’t require a lengthy shopping trip.’ Then, pencil in when you can realistically squeeze some Body Magic into your day. Perhaps a lunchtime walk, a fitness DVD before work, or meeting a friend at the gym instead of the pub? ‘You’re far more likely to do something active if you’ve planned it ahead rather than thinking, “I’ll do it when I have time”,’ says Alexandra.

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