Toxin Cleanser

Toxin Cleanser

If you want to drop the extra pounds then offload the past and flush out all the unhealthy thoughts and emotions. To minimise the build up of toxins, unclog and refresh your mind daily.

Offload the Past

Past memories pop into our minds out of nowhere, bringing with them buried feelings. If it is a happy memory, it gives us a boost. However, more often than not. they aren’t. Upsetting memories cause heaviness in our minds. Choosing to offload the past really frees the mind. When a memory comes up acknowledge it. Accept that this is what happened. Then reframe it. What good came out of this? Did you learn something new; gam a new friend or a job? Are you more self-confident? Reframing can take away the sting of the memory. If any memories feel too hard to deal with in this way. try talking to someone you trust or ask for professional support.

Undoa Your Mind

The mind gets clogged by so much stuff throughout the day. Before going to bed. give your mind some space to process all the information and digest everything it has absorbed during the day. Select what’s useful, discard what’s not. Lighten up and get your mind ready for a restful sleep.

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Introduce Mind Refreshers

Sprinkle a short meditation break in your lunch hour. This can be from 1 to 10 minutes. Take a break and take your mind away. Imagine yourself walking through a green valley towards a lake. It is so still and clear that the surrounding hills are reflected on the surface. Sit down by the side of the lake, let your mind relax and become calm like the lake.

Go on a thought diet and make your mind healthier. Cut down on complaining, worrying and all those thoughts that offer no nutritional value. Exercise your mind by stimulating it with different and interesting ideas or concepts.

Reduce Worrying

What will happen?’ What if?’ How? I won’t be able to handle it.’ Worrying saps energy and causes the mind to feel tired. Stop for a moment and ponder your worry: Can I do something about it? If you can’t, then you’ll find a way to handle things when they happen. If there is something you can do, then do it! If you’re worried about a meeting, then plan and prepare well. Put things into perspective and focus on making the most of today.

Chew on Somethina Nourishin

It is our mind’s nature to think. If we don’t give it a direction it will wander here and there looking for something to play with. So give it something nourishing to think about. Just as you would nourish the body with a healthy breakfast, in the same way start your day on the right foot by feeding the mind with positive material. Either on your morning commute, or as soon as you walk into the office – take a few moments to read or listen to uplifting, encouraging, and mind-stretching information, words, music or a podcast. Mull it over throughout the day and keep the mind busy with the right thoughts.


As you detoxify the mind and all the toxins get released, it may seem as if there’s more negativity than before! That’s why it’s important to have a balanced diet for the mind. For vitamins, try our free online meditations on For proteins, subscribe to Thought for Today,’ on to receive a daily inspiration.

Complaining leaves the mind feeling dull and miserable. Instead give yourself the challenge to actively appreciate and look for the silver lining If you catch yourself complaining about the weather, then remind yourself to enjoy the change and appreciate the gradations within the heat, cold, wet etc.

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