Water Exercises

Water Exercises


Pressure, after temperature, is of course the most important of the intensive thermodynamic variables in deciding what structure is stable and/or will form. Pressure is well known to have profound effects on crystalline H2O. Some 13 different crystalline H2O structures are known in modest p-t space. In a series of papers in the 1960s, we’ve already shown that it’s well known that all glasses (frozen liquids) change structure (and their density and refractive index properties) continuously with pressure. Such densified structures survive easily in the oxides studied, which are much more viscous. A reasonable extrapolation will show that under the “normal” succussing procedures, very respectable pressures (say in the 10 kbar range) will be generated on the very small size water droplets that must form. Reasoning from analogy with similar (that is, covalent) liquids, there will, quite reasonably, be many different structures of water formed both by pressures generated in succussing and possibly others in some combination with the epitaxy on any additives.

Finally, the succussing process must necessarily also produce a range of sizes of bubbles in the liquid. The size distribution of the bubbles will certainly include some nanobubbles that is, nanosize inclusions of gaseous O2, N2, CO2, possibly the active ingredient, and so on. Some of these bubble sizes will no doubt be well below the colloid range, and therefore a colloidal suspension of water + gaseous (or liquid) inclusions would be formed. These could be quite stable for very long periods and would certainly affect the structure of the liquid water.


In addition to these major important variales, which can affect the stability and determine the structure of water, there are the other very common variables: magnetic and electric fields. While such fields contribute very little to the stability of most materials, they become profoundly important when these effects can interact with or be “locked into” a material in, for example, ordered domains or regions that are present in very common ferroelectric or ferromagnetic materials. Indeed, our own very recent work has demonstrated the most spectacular changes in, and even destruction of, the crystal structures of common inorganic phases by magnetic fields of a few gauss at microwave frequencies (see Bibliography). These results were totally unexpected and are still unexplained by the world’s leading theorists.


These data and insights from the physical sciences are followed by the increasing data from several researchers in the homeopathic literature, adducing evidence on the effects of various materials-science variables, including weak magnetic fields, which fit very well with our models.

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The blog by Bellavite and Signorini (see Bibliography) summarizes much of their own work and that of others who have already approached the same problem from the stance of homeopathy.

Various investigators have previously proposed a model for the structure of water involving formation of aggregates of water molecules or water clusters, possibly seeded by but not requiringthe continued presence of molecules from the original source substance (for example, zwitterions or clathrates). Others have proposed the involvement of a coherent electromagnetic radiation field within the solvent that contributes order to the molecular motion. Emerging data on the structure and thermodynamics of water provide a rationale for revisiting the role of the solvent in storing and transmitting the information of homeopathy-prepared agents. The reader is referred again to the paper to avoid overloading on jargon.


The short description of the structure of water that emerges today is that H2O liquid is indeed a nanoheterogenous statistical- mechanical distribution mainly of several molecular species including both oligomers and polymers and a minority of monomers. The structure is easily affected by epitaxial effects, pressure during succussing, and also the formation of colloidal nanobubbles. This distribution is very labile; and all the intensive and extensive variables, including magnetic and electric fields, can cause substantial changes in the distribution, and hence the structure, and hence the properties. In simple terms: Liquid water consists of a changing aggregate of islands of different size and shape in an arrangement that can easily be changed.


So, finally, what of the possible effects of human intention on water, such as those of Dr. Emoto? The huge amount of solid data on the amazing reality and importance of the expectation effects (EE) (inaccurately labeled by the mystifying and wholly unnecessary term “placebo”) in all human healing transactions, including the highest high-tech procedures, certainly entitles any scientist to hypothesize about the possibility of various modes of human-intention effects on healing.

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