26 Poses Of Bikram Yoga

26 Poses Of Bikram Yoga

There are numerous movies and stories dealing with the supernatural that are quite scary and foreboding.

If you follow my suggestions it can bring you to the edge of death. Am I trying to scare you? No, I am trying to present to you the ramifications of dealing with an area of the mind that very few people understand. For death only occurs when you reach that point in the script of your life’s movie that you wrote. There are no accidents. no coincidences.

If you decide to follow my suggestions, it is within your own life’s description.

There will be days when you cannot eat and there will be days when you cannot sleep. There will be days when you question your own sanity, and there will be days when you think you have to save the world but everybody is against your ideas of salvation.

The easiest way for me to describe the Game we are playing in this life is through a Hindu blog, the “Bhagavad Gita”. With a brief explanation it deals with a family split apart, warring over a parcel of land.

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