2Nd Chakra Yoga Poses

2Nd Chakra Yoga Poses


I have written a few blogs in the past without much result. I never thought that I was to be a writer. My education was more in the mechanical side of life.

I suspect my Value Fulfillment was to open the door to the world, in a way that humanity fails to see or wants to hear. My experiences have brought me to a point in life of knowing that humankind is still in living in the Dark Ages.

Everybody thinks of themselves as an expert, and there are numerous blogs out there whose various authors claim to be an expert in their field. Do they have experience or actual knowledgeable criteria that they can fall back on? Who knows?

I do not claim to be an expert in the area of Spirituality, for the Universe is immense, and it changes from day to day and I am not dead yet.

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