Welcome to drone yoga everryone today we’ll look at these seven head stands they’re seven sher shah’s on us that come at the end of the Ashtanga intermediate series this is an advanced practice I’m just gonna go through them so really this is only for those of you that already practice them we’ll start with the first one the head down should Shaston that be many times it’s called palms pressing down elbows moving slightly in belly in. And just reaching the arms up to the sky staying here for a few breaths traditionally five breaths. And then legs go down head up that was kind of I missed the chaturanga on that one. But that’s okay it happens sometimes we’re gonna go for the second one they’re actually divided into two parts the first three. And then the second for the first three are Mook de hasta Shoshana the free hands.
7 Headstands Sirs Asana Ashtanga Intermediate Photo Gallery
So you notice the hands are not holding the head in this case I’ve got my palms facing up back of the hands pressing strong into the ground to help me lift up and belly is really in to allow my legs to come pretty straight up otherwise it’s hard to be straight this one was a little better landing right the Atlantic’s go down as the hands flip into chaturanga position with the landing okay the third one of the free hands headstand the arms go to the side. And you can eventually bring them right in line with the head or like I’m doing here slightly lowered. So It’s a little easier to balance here this may be actually the hardest of all of them oh yeah there it is it’s actually didn’t work out. Because what happens is that many times it feels like we’re gonna flip over and in that case I just come down and try it one more time. So you got to really press your hands really strong into the ground keep the belly lifted. And then come up here we go this time it worked nicely so legs reaching up palms pressing strong down they to keep your breath alive flipping the hands always back to the first position of the church Asana be where the arms are 90 degrees that elbows are 90 degrees in them the legs go down the head lifts up towards the chaturanga here we go first of B bound the bound head poses this is like the classic search Asana a the regular headstand coming up it’s almost like a little break after those three breathing here for a lot of us that do head stands this is easy it’s just more the transition to come down that’s a little more challenging.
And then taking your vinyasa into downward dog there we go the second one of these Ford in this case we’re gonna have the hands holding the elbows really pressing the elbows to the ground pressing the head to the ground really walk the feet till the hips are over the shoulders. And then come up yeah you just got to keep a soft gaze you kind of look through the arms in a way to manage to have stability here over time work on having the legs straight up. But firstly maybe a little bit of an angle again shifting the arms coming down chaturanga woodland mukha Svan Asana and adam mukha Svan Asana our third one we’re gonna place the hands just like in pincha mayur Asana. So the head is kind of between the palms shifting the hips legs go all the way up this one’s actually a little bit easier in my opinion. Because their heads down. And the forearms are down. So just they have been breathed tikka to Seville break shifting the hands down chaturanga up dog and downward dog no no last one. So the last one it’s kind of an interesting one we actually hold it’s almost like we’re pinching a little bit the muscles of the shoulders right. But it’s not really doing much the hands are almost free it’s really the elbows down and they head down in order to balance for this last of our seven huge Asana headstands and make sure you’re not forgetting your breath even though the belly is in your Bundys are working. And then chaturanga dand Asana upward dog and downward dog that’s it folks hopefully you enjoyed your practice keep working on it to be patient it takes time to get it. But over time it gets easier thanks a lot remember to subscribe to hit like and maybe leave a comment thanks and namaste.