Yeah welcome to this sweaty edition of a curio. But super day we just completed one of our classes so a couple of days ago we did a pose where we did hand set foot to foot with one person dangling in the middle and we’ve got a lot of questions from Instagram and Facebook as to how we got into that pose. So we’re here to demonstrate that today I have Darius over here Amanda will be spotting.
Acro Yoga Handstand Foot to Foot Pendulum Photo Gallery
And then Ashley will be flying in the middle okay so to get started we actually start the middle person in first you have the option of headstand or form step we’re going to take form send right here once Ashley is in position then there’s and I will start this movement.
It’s a little traveling you have to figure out where to place the feet. But anyway you want the feet all the way up to the ankle so be comfortable for the flier okay well let’s get a good grip place the other three up spar make sure that water gets in there safely we’ve got a good thing here and okay and that’s handset other guys alright ok so make sure you spare a couple of moments at the end to lower the flier safely to the ground don’t carry it to the max just to make it safer and notice how Magna came in there to spot the flier. And then we came down afterwards okay thank you for tuning into this post of acura with super day the next time for our next a curio the pose.