Anjali Mudra Pose Yoga

When he finally woke later that day, he, ignorantly, or hopefully, assumed that whatever it was had been removed successfully.Anjali Mudra Pose Yoga We all stood there, hovering around him, each taking a turn to answer that in fact, no, his lung had not been removed, and yes, he still had the cancer. The options given were clear, but slim. If he remained there at the Mayo Clinic, they would provide a combination treatment of chemotherapy and radiation.Anjali Mudra Pose Yoga We all opted that he should receive his treatment back home in San Francisco instead, and hoped for the best. I was able to rearrange some courses to accommodate weekly trips out to San Francisco to surprise him and hold his hand through his first chemo treatments. According to the books, his prognosis was up to five years as in some cases, and we all secretly agreed, optimistically, that this was the term we should adhere to. This was a critical juncture that each of us handled in our own way.

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