Ardha Chandrasana Half Moon

Ardha Chandrasana Half Moon

This is another highly energising posture which is perfect for opening the heart centre.

Begin in a Standing forward bend (Pada Hastasana). Make sure that your weight is distributed evenly through the soles of your feet, then transfer your weight onto your right foot. Now make sure that your weight is distributed evenly through the sole of your right foot. Work to push the floor away with your right foot so that you can draw up the right knee as much as is comfortable.

Now lift your left leg so that it is level with the left hip. Flex the left foot and rotate the leg to the left. Place the right hand to the floor in front of the right foot and to the right side a little.

Extend the left arm straight up. Look to the left hand.

Breathe slowly in the posture whilst becoming aware of all sensations experienced. When you are ready, begin to minimise the activity of the mind and focus on the centre of the chest radiating energy. Repeat on the other side.

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