Muscular strength is usually assessed by measuring the maximum amount of weight a person can lift in a single effort. This single maximum effort is called a repetition maximum (RM). You can assess the strength of your major muscle groups by taking the one-repetition maximum (1 RM) test for the bench press and by taking functional leg strength tests. You can measure 1 RM directly or estimate it by doing

Repetition maximum (RM) The maximum amount of resistance that can be moved a specified number of times. 1-RM is the maximum amount of weight that can be lifted one time; 5-RM is the maximum amount of weight that can be lifted five times.


Repetitions The number of times an exercise is performed during one set.

Tendon A tough band of fibrous tissue that connects a muscle to a bone or other body part and transmits the force exerted by the muscle.

Ligament A tough band of tissue that connects the ends of bones to other bones or supports organs in place.

Cartilage Tough, resilient tissue that acts as a cushion between the bones in a joint.

Testosterone The principal male hormone, responsible for the development of secondary sex characteristics and important in increasing muscle size.

Multiple repetitions with a submaximal (lighter) weight. It is best to train for several weeks before attempting a direct 1 RM test; once you have a baseline value, you can retest after 6-12 weeks to check your progress. See Lab 4.1 for guidelines on taking these tests. For more accurate results, avoid strenuous weight training for 48 hours beforehand.

Muscular endurance is usually assessed by counting the maximum number of repetitions of an exercise a person can do (such as in push-ups or kettlebell snatches) or the maximum amount of time a person can hold a muscular contraction (such as in the flexed-arm hang). You can test the muscular endurance of major muscle groups in your body by taking the curl-up test, the push-up test, the core muscle plank test (Chapter 5), and the squat endurance test. See Lab 4.2 for complete instructions on taking these assessment tests.

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