Assessing Your Current Level of Flexibility

Assessing Your Current Level of Flexibility

Part I Sit-and-Reach Test Equipment

Use a modified Wells and Dillon flexometer or construct your own measuring device using a firm box or two pieces of wood about 30 centimeters (12 inches) high attached at right angles to each other. Attach a metric ruler to measure the extent of reach. With the low numbers of the ruler toward the person being tested, set the 26-centimeter mark of the ruler at the footline of the box. Individuals who cannot reach as far as the footline will have scores below 26 centimeters; those who can reach past their feet will have scores above 26 centimeters. Most studies show no relationship between performance on the sit-and-reach test and the incidence of back pain.


Warm up your muscles with a low-intensity activity such as walking or easy jogging. Then perform slow stretching movements.

Assessing Your Current Level of Flexibility Photo Gallery


1. Remove your shoes and sit facing the flexibility measuring device with your knees fully extended and your feet flat against the device about 10 centimeters (4 inches) apart.

2. Reach as far forward as you can, with palms down, arms evenly stretched, and knees fully extended; hold the position of maximum reach for about two seconds.

3. Perform the stretch 2 times, recording the distance of maximum reach to the nearest 0.5 centimeters.

Rating Your Flexibility

Find the score in the table below to determine your flexibility rating. Record it here and on the final page of this lab Rating:

Canadian Society for Exercise Physiology. 2003. The Canadian Physical Activity, Fitness & Lifestyle Approach: CSEP-Health & Fitness Program’s Health-Related Appraisal and Counseling Strategy, 3rd ed. Adapted with permission from the Canadian Society for Exercise Physiology

Part II Range-of-Motion Assessment

This portion of the lab can be completed by doing visual comparisons or by measuring joint range of motion with a goniometer or other instrument.

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