Bandha, Meditation, Mudra, Pranayama

My mother was beside herself over my indifference.Bandha, Meditation, Mudra, Pranayama She brought it up every chance she got, but I told her that it was no longer of practical use to me. It was almost too easy for me, and I couldn’t see the value in continuing anymore.Bandha, Meditation, Mudra, Pranayama After a few months on my own, living in the big city and working full-time as a model, I started to experience a change of heart. Without that other life, the one I’d practically fled, I felt less interesting and much lonelier. All around me there were these blatant examples of impermanence in everything, from beauty, which stemmed from my career, to every other false sense of security that had thus far been afforded to me. I began to desire more for myself. I met my first serious boyfriend at that transitional point, and he introduced me to yoga.

Bandha, Meditation, Mudra, Pranayama Photo Gallery

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