Best Exercises To Tone Body Quickly

Best Exercises To Tone Body Quickly

Is there anything I can do for someone I know who has a drug problem?

A If you believe a friend or family member has a drug problem, obtain information about resources for drug treatment available on your campus or in your community. Communicate your concern, provide information about treatment options, and offer your support during treatment.

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If the person denies having a problem, you may want to talk with an experienced counselor about setting up an intervention a formal, structured confrontation designed to end denial by having family, friends, and other caring individuals present their concerns to the drug user. Participants in an intervention point out the ways in which the abuser is hurting others as well as him- or herself. If your friend or family member agrees to treatment, encourage him or her to attend a support group such as Narcotics Anonymous or Alcoholics Anonymous.

In addition, examine your relationship with the abuser for signs of codependency. A codependent is someone whose actions help or enable a person to remain dependent on a drug by removing or softening the effects of the drug use on the user. Common actions by codependents include making excuses or lying for someone, loaning money to someone to continue drug use, and not confronting someone who is obviously intoxicated or high on a drug.

The habit of enabling can prevent a person from experiencing the consequences of her or his behavior and so delay recovery. If you see yourself developing a codependent relationship, get help for yourself. Al-Anon and Alateen are organizations dedicated to helping people who are affected by someone else’s drinking.

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