So in the late 19th Century yoga was studied with profound interest in American esoteric circles. Especially within theosophical circles – which were extremely influential – the hybrid forms of modernist meditative yoga and modernist Buddhism were of keen interest. These discourses were perceived as exotic and spiritual’ and offered practical guidance and methods. The sympathisers’ primary sources for inspirational information were the continuous arrivals of Orientalist translations of Indian religio-philosophy. In 1889 William Judge – a leading theosophist – reflected on the Yoga Sutra, which the Theosophical Society (Wikipedia link) had just translated into English by one of its Indian members (Albanese 2007).
The meditative yoga Judge envisioned, based on this translation, was labelled raja-yoga’. It was however kept very distinct from hatha-yoga, which was conflated with the detested contortionist – the jogi of the market place. Thus the theosophical milieu promoted yoga meditation, while the bodily practices of hatha-yoga was avoided if not warned against. One of the founding fathers of Theosophy – H.S. Olcott – accordingly wrote from India about hatha-yoga: many have failed and died in the attempt. It is therefore strongly denounced by all the philosophers (Albanese 2007).
In truth, we already are connected in this web of life, so why is it that we often seem to need another being to complete us?Bhujapidasana Pose Yoga And, once we do find someone to share our lives with, we tend to hurt one another simply by living out our respective lives. Ideally, we should come to see the other as a complement someone who brings out the very best qualities in ourselves, and someone for whom we can return the favor.Bhujapidasana Pose Yoga Potential ignites potential. True spiritual love requires openness and trust at every stage. This level of openness will allow each person the freedom needed to develop independently, so that ultimately together two become whole. Relationships based on a foundation of truth and love will prevail.
Cycles will continue when systems are established and set into motion, be they negative or positive, so if we should choose to perpetuate life through a union with another, it is imperative that we take our commitments very seriously. I have learned that self-reliance is only an achievement if it allows you the time and space to give and experience more.