Chakravakasana Pose Yoga

Orientalist scholars like E.W. Hopkins, WJ. Wilkins, Max Muller and M. Monier-Williams tended to dismiss this jogi figure as an impostor, a juggler – a near-idiot’ (Singleton 2010). He was in their eyes just a typical example of the general degeneration of Indian culture and had nothing to do with the real yoga surfacing in the Sanskrit scriptures translated by these Orientalists.

I have always loved the expression from the Bible that says, Chakravakasana Pose Yoga Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.Chakravakasana Pose Yoga How great a tool we could be for our own comprehension of the Self, if only we could learn to treat others the way that we want to be treated. It is so simple, yet somehow seems difficult to put into practice with any consistency.

In relationships, I sometimes wonder if we consciously choose to treat others the way we do not wish to be treated, so that we can establish some sense of control and self-protection in the event that a relationship does not work out the way we would like it to. This is where we project our insecurities onto another. The world is a mirror that mimics the reality that we often create in our own mmds. What we see around us is the objectification of our own subjective thoughts and beliefs. Most of us have not been taught that how we see things is our own choice.

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