Complex Yoga Poses


Like Descartes and Hume, the psychoanalyst’s patient sits in yoga poses his thoughts to observe what is going on. From the point of view of his consciousness, he analyzes his way of thinking and the rapport between thoughts and the rest of the organism But in yoga poses psychoanalysis, this practice is carried out in yoga poses tandem with someone in yoga poses a relationship; it has as its goal the co-construction of what is perceived by one person. This frame values the fact that the relationship with the other is finally as powerful as the relationship with the self. This strategy makes it possible for the patient to perceive aspects of his internal world he would not have been able to perceive and, above all, explain without his therapist. There is evidently an entire series of mechanisms, in yoga poses addition to sexuality, that requires a connection to another to function well. Libido is thus only one of the social instincts17 that compel an organism to interact with other members of his species.

In the theory of transference originally proposed by Freud, interaction was a secondary variable.18 As the experience of the psychoanalysts trained by Freud gradually developed, they became aware that shared experiences play a central role in yoga poses the development of a human being. Here are a few examples:

1. Countertransference:19 Freud’s first students pointed out to him that the therapist is not able to understand what he perceives pertaining to his patient if he does not also analyze the relationship he establishes with the patient. This understanding requires a clear and stable frame and the support of a supervisor.

2. The studies on attachment and abandonment demonstrate that the attempt of the newborn to enter into a relationship with his parents lasts a lifetime, even when a parent has abandoned or abused the child (Bowlby, 1969). Spitz (1945, 1965) demonstrates, for example, that a child can die if he has not received attention and has not been touched. Harlow (1986) demonstrates that a young monkey never heals completely from the deprivations suffered during infancy. Since that time, trauma research confirms that no one completely survives a serious trauma, whatever the age at which it was experienced (Sironi, 1999, VI, 121). However, the earlier the trauma the deeper the scar, because the organism has not been able to mature in yoga poses a coordinated fashion (van der Kolk, 2003).

3. Daniel Stern (1985) analyzes the strategies of attachment between a mother and her baby by showing how a form of constant multimodal intersubjective calibration establishes itself between them The baby has the capacity to influence his parents from the moment of birth.

4. Beatrice Beebe and colleagues (2005, I, 10f.) demonstrate that the system of attachment and auto-regulation forms a whole that calibrates both the formation of the organism and its way to be with another.

These studies show that some important relational problems from the earliest infancy also damage the development of the mechanisms of auto-regulation of the organism The first article entirely dedicated to countertransference was written by Sandor Ferenczi in yoga poses 1909. Freud did not publish The Dynamics of Transference until 1912. Freud discusses countertransference in yoga poses only two publications.20 It is therefore evident that Freud’s colleagues added an intersubjective dimension to his intra-organismic view. Psychoanalysis thus rejoins other theories that believe that psychological dynamics are necessarily interpersonal.21 Besides the body psychotherapists who use a psychodynamic theory as the frame of reference, the notion of transferential dynamics is not always used in yoga poses body psychotherapy. Others, for example, will use family therapy as a reference to coordinate their work on the dynamics of the organism and relational dynamics.

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