Cool Yoga Poses For Beginners

Cool Yoga Poses For Beginners

You can apply this too in your working life. What can you do to enhance your product and raise your profile and reputation?

Here are a few ideas in the office world:

• Format documents for others so that they are attractive

• Format documents in line with Company procedures/style if that is what is

• Use the spell checker

• Is a special folder required?

• Have you had the document peer checked?

• Did you ask the recipients what they wanted? Format etc.?

I am sure that you can think of many other enhancements and refinements to your work that would make it more professional and acceptable to others. Take action now.

Right, I am off to the cake shop for some happy cakes now!! 50 Did you have your ear tweaked today?

This takes me back to my school days, where sadly the entire place was based on punishment. If you did not do something in time then you were punished. It did not work well for me.

Even worse for me was that I was at school with Nick Hornby the writer (I am just name dropping here of course LOL) and he has “stolen” my barbaric school days wholesale in his novel, Fever Pitch.

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