Correct Yoga Poses

Correct Yoga Poses

Metta Meditation (Loving Kindness)

Preparation: Sit in a comfortable position. If you are sitting on the floor, I always recommend sitting up on a folded blanket – ideally, you want your knees to be just below your hips.

When you’re in a comfortable seated position, place your hands in a comfortable position. I generally recommend interlacing your fingers and placing them on your lap or just in front of your lap, or simply place one palm on top of the other. When you place your hands this way, it generates a very nurturing energy and helps one draw the energy inward for regeneration. You can, of course, place your hands on your knees. This position, I find, tends to be more suited to an opening and expanding type of energy, good for sending out energy and metta (loving kindness).

Now, close your eyes and settle into a relaxed posture. Find your breath moving through your nostrils and keep watching it. Just keep your attention on your breath, let your mind’s contents just move through without giving it much attention. Relinquish your mind’s thoughts and images as they arise. Come back to your breath with an alert, yet relaxed awareness. Just watch your breath for at least five minutes until your mind starts to settle.

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Now bring to mind

1. A picture of yourself. Visualize yourself happy, smiling, laughing and looking fully content. Hold the image and the feeling for about 1-2 minutes. (If you have difficulty with this then it is a sign of resistance, meaning that there is work to be done and therefore returning to this Metta meditation practice in the near future would be worthwhile.)

2. Next bring a picture to your mind of someone who you deeply respect and admire. A person who represents profound love and understanding, like a highly evolved being or spiritual teacher for example. Picture them smiling with you, happy and fully in joy and love. Bathe in this image for about two minutes or so.

3. Next bring a picture to your mind of someone dearly beloved. Like a close family member or close friend. Picture them smiling, happy and content. Bathe in this image for about 1-2 minutes or so.

4. Next bring a picture to your mind of a neutral person. A person whom you have little or no strong feelings for, like the bus driver or a person that served you in the shop this morning. Picture them smiling, happy and content. Bathe in this image for about 1-2 minutes or so.

5. Next bring a picture to your mind of a hostile person. A person that yo don’t get along with, or a person who you regularly have arguments with, like a co-worker for example. Put your animosity aside and picture them smiling, happy and content. Bathe in this image for about 1-2mintues or so.

6. To finish bring the mind back to your breath and sense your body. Allow a little smile on your face as you send the loving kindness vibration you have cultivated to radiate and illuminate from your body. Imagine your body and heart like a light bulb that is sending out loving light in all directions. Bathe in this process for about 1-2 minutes or so.

When you are ready to come out, simply relax your posture and slowly open your eyes.

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