Cow Face Pose Yoga

The narcissism of corporate capitalism

Celebrity stars become living external symbolic images, simultaneously successful and tyrannised by the very same image, which has taken over their lives. Lasch’s point is that narcissism penetrates all levels of society – not just stars and celebrities. The stars become living symbolic images for the masses. By copying the stars, we become what they symbolise to us: beauty, power and youth. If the stars need to stay fit then so do the rest of us. Why do we need to be that image? Why narcissism?

Because, following Lasch, our lives within large corporations or bureaucratic hierarchies have brought us to a similar situation to the celebrities. Like the stars, we are daily exposed to extreme competitive situations. In our hierarchical organisations there is an ongoing struggle for social power and dominance. Our appearance and body here becomes an asset – symbolic capital. Success within bureaucracies is not due to content but to form: performance is overridden by images of winning, energy, power, momentum and high visibility.

Purpose: To stretch the neck extensors while keeping the shoulders Cow Face Pose Yoga back. Contraindications: Herniated cervical disc, rotator cuff syndrome. Prop: A belt. Cow Face Pose YogaAvoiding pitfalls: Keep your upper back erect but not rigid. Cow Face Pose Yoga Avoid overly tightening your front neck muscles. Avoid overarching your lower back. Stand with the Cow Face Pose Yoga belt looped around your wrists with your arms behind you. Inhale and lift your inner body up, making the sides of your body very long.

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