Dual Yoga Poses

Dual Yoga Poses

• If the pain increases during workouts, there is noticeable pain with daily activity, or if the calf is more sore after a test workout – STOP!

• A sore muscle can become a strain and then a tear, if ignored. Either of these will require an extended recovery period. It is unusual that a serious condition would occur during a single run. So it is logical to consider finishing an important yoga pose when there is minor or average soreness. If calf pain occurs during a run, walk for several minutes. If it is a cramp, stop and massage the area, then walk for a few minutes and ease back into your pace. Remember to practice good hydration, with adequate ingestion of fluids and electrolytes.

Area 4 -The Knee

Pain at the Kneecap or at the Muscle Attachment to the Kneecap PATELLO-FEMORAL KNEE PAIN

• This injury can be located in the area from the top of the knee cap down to the bump on the top of the leg bone, just below the kneecap (tibial tuberosity or tibial tubercle), stretching an inch on either side of the kneecap.

• When there is pain at the muscle attachment on the top of the kneecap, treat it immediately. If this area gets irritated, it can be persistent and respond slowly to rest. This condition rarely becomes intense, but can cause a major interruption in training. If this type of pain is due to a fall, the muscle can become detached, is quite painful and often swollen.

• Pain at the kneecap can be variable. It may feel only slightly achy to very painful, forcing one to limp. Sensations may seem to come from the surface of the kneecap or from deep inside, and often produce sounds: clicking, crunching, popping and catching. Sometimes the pain is along either or both edges. When this area is seriously injured, there will be swelling throughout the knee.

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• Pain at the bottom of the kneecap. If deep, it is related to the kneecap problems mentioned above. But lower knee pain, near the surface, is often a variation of tendinitis of the patellar tendon, which connects the kneecap to the front of the leg bone. Pain may also be experienced in the tendon itself and on the prominent bony connection point at the front of the upper leg bone (tibial tuberosity or tibial tubercle). When this tendon connection point is injured, it usually hurts when kneeling. The irritated area can grow in size when sore and may remain permanently enlarged and painful (especially in young people). yoga downhill is stressful and painful for all tendon Yoga Injuries. The pain can be very persistent and may vary from a constant soreness to periods of strong pain mixed with little pain. Sometimes the tendon can swell and be painful when squeezed.

• Pain along the edges of the kneecap is typically mild to moderate and usually improves with rest. More serious problems are possible when the pain is deeper near the edges, particularly when it is at the joint line of the knee.

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